My "full recovery" from a 5ar inhibitor

I did that for 6 weeks

It sounds a lot like you just recovered naturally to me.


I’m definitely lucky


I think you are. As a result, I’d be cautious about saying you have a system that actually helps people who weren’t going to recover anyway. Sorry.


How do you know he recovered naturally. You can’t tell if it was naturally or not because he taken actions pretty quickly. And how many people do you know who recovered naturally…

It’s an educated guess.

A better question is almost certainly, how many “protocols” / “recovery plans” / 'bags of magic beans" have delivered replicable results for people here. The answer is somewhere near zero.

My opinion, borne out by my experience and having read surely close to the entire forum, is that it’s possible to improve with time. I am in a much better place than I was a year ago, when I was dealing with many symptoms, a number of which have completely subsided. If I were to have jumped on a number of supplements back then, I might be telling you what I did to heal myself. I take nothing now and am still slowly improving, as with the OP in this topic.

Unfortunately, we have 5000 registered users here and the majority do not post. You can either guess that they’re all dead, which is why we don’t hear from them, or that the majority got better and stopped posting, or maybe something else. I know of one person who is now posting regularly who was feeling better and didn’t bother to let anyone know of his change in condition, until he crashed himself and came back. People here regularly say that they wouldn’t blame anyone who recovered leaving here and never coming back. I think that’s far from ideal:

Ultimately, I don’t think either of us can strongly argue that anyone got better with a particular diet/course of action or that Time is the greatest healer, given a lack of understanding of why some people have longer lasting side effects than others, or why some get none at all, but I can at least say that Time is the one thing people who have improved have in common.

For these reasons, it is my opinion that MasterOfPuppets likely has not managed to heal themselves. If you disagree, it is fine to try his system at your own risk, but we need to be careful about how prescriptive we are being here and how we present things given how many people here have experimented with themselves, worsened their condition significantly, and in some tragic cases then committed suicide.

I don’t wish to rain on anyone’s parade.


@Greek That’s fucking well-said!!


Yes, there is no universal cure, because probably this condition have lots of different variations. But if you hit the right place you can recover. There is enough of recovery examples over the web and here. And even speaking from my personal experience.

I don’t see how can you back up your guess. Whether it’s educated or not , it’s still a guess and speculations.

that great you feeling better, but how many more years you going to wait? Main problem people dealing here is ED. And its more likely you will recover by taking some actions, rather than waiting years in hope to get better. Experimenting has it’s own risks of getting worse, but it’s hit or miss thing. And you waited years and still have ED? And after waiting these years you still hope for natural recovery ? Maybe if topic starter wouldn’t do anything, he would also have to wait for years, but he decided to take actions and he 've been lucky. And this luck can come only if you trying to do something.

Not insisting on anyone experimenting, it’s everyones own choice. From my personal experience, passive approach doesn’t lead me anywhere.

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I don’t have ED anymore, I did at first. If I’d taken a lot of supplements, I might falsely link the two things. That’s what I’m saying is happening here.

There’s no proof that his actions contributed to his improvement. Only one single annecdote. That person is telling you it’s the way to get better. That’s all you know. Do you want to risk your health on that?

Do the things that he says helped him, if you want to, but do so with the knowledge that one person saying it happened doesn’t prove anything since it is quite possible he’d be in the same situation today if he’d taken whatever he says will help.

This is a “it might help” but we don’t really know.

By the way, my condition got better, I chew a lot of gum. Will you chew gum every day now?

Well consider yourself lucky, some people are struggling for years, without any improvements. Your thesis is still not convincing, you can’t tell if it’s supplements or natural recovery. You can’t simply apply this rule to everyone and to every case. There is no way you can identify, if some substance triggered a recovery or not. You are trying to make of it a rule, by implying that every recovery is natural, based on your own subjective experience.


This analogy is absurd and not correct. What’s the potential of a gum to trigger the improvements? And if someone let’s say, tried androgenic substance, whats the potential of it to make changes compared to a gum ? Moreover, if that person haven’t got any improvements for months, then he started taking this substance and suddenly he recovered. You will link it to natural recovery ?


Whatever the case, @slick1, I think we’ve debated it enough. I don’t think there’s much to indicate that the story in this topic is a replicable one, but as I’ve repeatedly said, go ahead if you want to. Let us know how you get on, I really hope it works out for you.


I’ve never heard of someone else having a complete disconnect from there own body and complete impotence and completely recovering so i’d think all my efforts at least accelerated/aided my recovery but i guess there is no real scientific way to tell but they certainly played a role.



They seem to effect my hormones so they either helped or hurt me or a combination of the two more likely i doubt that they were not a factor at all but i guess i could be wrong

Not true.

I attribute my initial recovery from total impotence and emotionlessness to being somewhat sexually functional and having some rare moments of joy in my life to the dirtbag protocol; Marlboro reds and Budweiser. No doubt, it tipped the balance toward healing.


@MasterofPuppets, it hasn’t been so popular of a treatment as of late, but there are hundreds of members over the history of this site who tried doing many things to raise T and DHT to no avail. It just plain doesn’t carry weight as a viable, replicable, treatment.

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Its seems its true that only some people will be able to recover by raising t and dht and that its probably better to seperate these cases as a really bad endocrine shutdown/estrogen dominance and not fair to compare it to people who can’t recover, i’m not sure theres a way to seperate the two cases until after the fact. All i hope for is that at least one person benefits from my posts and my post recovery experience, my only regrets are that i probably messed with my hormones a little too much while recovering.

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Here’s a problem we face when thinking that way: How do we know a treatment is the reason behind one’s recovery, and not spontaneity, when those treatments are so unreliable?

How can people be so sure of themselves that there are two or more different varieties of this condition or that estrogen dominance has anythig to do with it? Did you even have blood tests indicating your estrogen was high?

Have you familiarized yourself with the PFS research; what has been uncovered, and what is being investigated? Even those scientists and informed people involved with the studies won’t make so bold of claims such as knowing with certainty the underlying cause of this condition.

There are hundreds of homemade theories for PFS, PSSD, and PAS. None of them are supported by evidence, only conjecture.