My Eye Dr might figure out PFS out of all people

I have always thought it will be the littlest things to pay attention to. Not that healthy vision is a little thing, but what I mean are signs that things are going in the right direction.
Some of this might have to do with beneficial inflammation, and you will want this to be systemic.
So many have talked about a feeling of coldness, a couple guys come to mind I will tag,
@Dknighten and @Rb26dett.
You will not heal with this coldness.
Talking about PFS on a basic level, you took a pill, it damaged you, and your body was unable to heal or recover from this when it should have.
There will be alot more to come on this.
Healing from PFS might start with intense inflammation and heat generation. You will feel this. Eventually this will subside and develop into tolerance, a type of immune response or activation followed by a resting state.

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when you mention coldness, do you mean in a general sense, or specific parts? Because I right now am experiencing cold feet and hands, which is bizarre given that it’s summer time, I’m wearing socks and indoor shoes. But I think I have insulin issues, because I cannot tolerate much sweets and carbs.

Hmm, I have come to a similar conclusion about body temps and recovery. More precisely cortisol issues (adrenal fatigue and increased rt3)

Sorry @guitarman01, you often post some great and insightful stuff but this just sounds like vague quackery. Don’t take it personally but I don’t know what’s going on here.

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Sorry, I left alot hanging. It was going to be too much to try to explain all at once and it was late.
Even though I have amassed quite a few posts on here, I try not to spend more than a couple minutes on them at a time for my own sake.

Going back to the Eye Dr,
I had scratches on my eye, I had a cloudiness in my eye that he was very concerned about.
I went there because I had some pain and vision problems in my left eye, and I could actually see the cloudiness.

He thought I had a corneal ulcer. He said my eye should have been healing on its own but it wasnt.
He was concerned about permanent scarring so he gave me a treatment I didnt even know existed.
Stem cells that were applied to a contact to try to facilitate healing.

He initially gave me a steroid eye drop, but he was also concerned it might slow down healing, it literally might have as the stem cells didnt dissolve in the given time that they should have, so he had me stop the steroid and a few days laters the stem cells had dissolved. Im not sure if that was a coincidence or not.

Even the topically applied stem cells didnt fully heal the eye. I think it was something I was doing or taking internally that caused this and then something else that brought about rapid healing and recovery.
I just saw him yesterday and he was surprised how much it had healed and my vision in that eye had become much better from even a week ago.

To put it shortly atm, the wrong bacteria may have caused this and the right bacteria may have helped facilitate local inflammation that resulted in rapid healing.
I still have alot more thoughts on this but I feel this post is already becoming too long.
I’ll get back to this but I read something pretty good on inflammation if I can find it again.

I’ll use NSAIDs as an example, but anything with anti-inflammatory properties or that is immunosuppressive could have the potential to slow healing as well.
NSAIDs can slow healing

Multiple studies have shown that using NSAIDs can slow the healing of broken bones, damaged ligament and other tissues. If you are trying to heal the damage done to a knee, shoulder or other joint, using NSAIDs can significantly lengthen the healing time.

Ironically this is because these drugs do exactly what they are advertised to do: i.e. block inflammation. The problem is that inflammation is part of the necessary steps in healing: a normal, necessary and useful response. In advertisements inflammation is somehow inferred to be a negative thing. Instead, it is a remarkably positive and necessary step in healing. Blocking the normal inflammation that accompanies injury is blocking part of the normal healing response. Inflammation brings blood to the area to help healing. Platelets and natural growth factors are also brought in. The area swells because healing factors are filling the area. The injured area also produces pain which is critically important to let the injured party know not to use the injured area. For example some diabetic patients who have lost the ability to feel pain in their feet can develop a condition called Charcot’s joint disease. Damage causes broken bones within a joint that never heal because the pain is not felt so it remains untreated. Amputation is a common ultimate outcome. So using NSAIDs to block swelling, inflammation and pain diminishes the nutrient supply to the injured area and allows increased deleterious use of the affected area.

Some more curiosa about NSAID (and stuff like Paracetamol).

Lowers protein synthetis, will almost entirely block the muscle building after a workout session.

Instantly changes your hormonal profile to resemble someone in their 80’s.

Long time usage while pregnant / administration to kids is linked to lower AR signaling and smaller and/or micropenis.

Usage during fever is detrimental to the immune response during sickness.

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Speaking of muscle growth, I could maybe say working out is a tear down and repair of muscles.
One facet thats maybe not thought of much.

Regulation of muscle growth and regeneration by the immune system

“Inflammation is a clear feature of the regenerative process”

New research implicates immune system cells in muscle healing

To add to this, this is one random article on another subject that I am very familiar with,

Vitamin A and retinoic acid in T cell–related immunity

Recently, several lines of evidence have converged to show that retinoic acid (RA), a major oxidative metabolite of vitamin A, plays a key role in the differentiation of T cell subsets, the migration of T cells into tissues, and the proper development of T cell–dependent antibody responses.

To apply some of this to current events,
Concerns about coronavirus variants that might be partially resistant to antibody defences have spurred renewed interest in other immune responses that protect against viruses. In particular, scientists are hopeful that T cells — a group of immune cells that can target and destroy virus-infected cells — could provide some immunity to COVID-19, even if antibodies become less effective at fighting the disease.

Researchers are now picking apart the available data, looking for signs that T cells could help to maintain lasting immunity.

To go back to what I was saying in another thread, not one long term pfser whether thats Awor, Mew or even Dubya has researched much on Retinoic Acid outside of its AR connection and then they moved on.
Again if you wanted to say AR disruption is the cause of everything like stated in this websites thesis (if you wanted to call it that), if you did all the same research on Accutane, vitamin a, and retinoic acid, you would find a different cause much more plausible.

be careful with making blanket statements about this condition. Yes, all of my skin is cold and i’m freezing all of the time. This is 1 of about 30 issues that I have from PFS. All my vitamin levels and most of my hormone levels are normal, and have been normal for about 2 years now.

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Hey my friend, please keep in mind what you have been dealing with for a couple years, I have been dealing with for a couple decades. I took a full course of Accutane before Propecia was even on the market.
Maybe some of us could be more inquisitive then combative.
Why did I mention the tissue coldness?
Why do I think this?
Retinoic acid is a metabolite of vitamin a, there is no blood test for retinoic acid.
It is not a supplement you can take otc.
It requires gene signaling or activity to convert dietary or stored vit a to retinoic acid.

^all of this is something ive talked about over a period of years now so it would be pretty hard to sum up in one post atm.

To go back to this topic or thread, my eye went cold, it literally wasnt healing.
My GF even noticed my eyes and said it looked like I was wearing mascara.
I induced this, and I might be able to treat it too.

All I know is, on a weekly basis, for the past 10 years or so, somebody comes up with a new theory of what PFS is and how to fix it. How many have been successful? I don’t read these sort of posts anymore. I hope you’re able to improve your situation though.


Ok sure, but your kind of also telling me you chose to criticize without really having any idea of what I was talking about. I have taken the time to learn about you, do you know anything about me?

No, I don’t, I was simply saying to be careful making broad, blanket statements about PFS, like telling people “as long as you’re cold you won’t heal.” If you think you’ve figured this thing out then do your program or whatever and I hope you get better. Hope to hear good things in the next year or so.

Your still cold, have you healed?
@LazarusRy average body temp is so cold its not even funny if I remember correctly.
Has he healed?
I have a soft spot for you maybe because of your age.
I can relate, I took my course of Accutane before I was even in high school.
Imagine that, no really take the time to think and imagine that.
A person is still growing and developing.
Its a time period that may carve out the future of the rest of their life.

@guitarman01 I continue to remain cold but when in the sun I overheat now and can’t bear it. I used to be an avid sun worshipper. It would appear that my autonomic system has been damaged and like all of my smptoms things are deteriorating globally. One for you (a view), after my 2 nd vacc I had a full week of slight improvements everywhere. Most notably a return of sporadic strength, reduction in emotional issues and my gum/teeth pain resolved. As always everything has since returned at greater levels which are undescribable.

That second dose seems to be stronger, it might have ramped up your immune activity.
I had a pretty strong reaction to the second dose as well.

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I thought it may have pulled my immune system away from pfs indicating that AI drugs may potentially dampen symtom severity.

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My eye Dr said my astigmatism improved. It’s that test when you look at the house and it goes in and out of focus for those that get eye exams. I’ll get back to this.

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Please keep us posted. I’m like you, except Tretinoin Cream followed by Clobetasol/Saw Palmetto Extract.