My dad wants to take saw palmetto for his hair. It just came in the mail. How do I stop him?

I just got a package, “Omega-dht alpha blocker with biotin”. It contains 300mg of Saw palmetto. Should I just throw it away? I’m a bit shocked considering how much I have talked about PFS with him and my struggles with it for the past 16 months. He never fully believed me I guess.

I got PFS from just minoxidil, a weaker anti androgen and I’m several years younger than him. My aunt has had very bad experience with antidepressants. My uncle went ape shit, broke into a house and got arrested after being a few weeks on Prozac. That happened several years ago and he now knows it was the Prozac that had those harmful effects.

Should I just toss it in the fucking swamp in my backyard where saw palmetto belongs?

Well, all the evidence you have is that it’s likely your Dad will be hurt by this medication. Maybe worse than you and your relatives have been.

I don’t think you need anyone to tell you what you need to do.

Nothing you can do. Let it go.

I really think he’ll be a better person if he gets PFS and realizes it was caused by the thing he was warned about. But even then he might not believe it. I’ve warned people about this and at first I thought they took it seriously but I found out later they either listened and forgot or didn’t listen at all. Let them learn the hard way if you tried to tell them.


You could be saving someone you love from this.

I couldn’t allow someone I care about to roll the dice and I’m sure you can’t either.

Tricky one to handle I know in terms of personal relationships, but you know something horrible that he doesn’t, and hopefully never does.

Seems like he’s told him:

Man, you are his son. Why you ask us. Show them this forum. It will be enough. If not, it’s his fault.

I would took the bottle and empty the pills inside the toilet.

just let him try it out everyone is different, at least its not finasteride.

Be vulnerable with him and tell him about your experience and that you are afraid he could be susceptible.

Some of the responses here are bad advice, you can’t throw away someone’s property and if you do they’ll just buy it again probably.

Update us on what happens OP.

im assuming he knows what happened to you with whatever substance you took. i would just explain to him how dangerous saw palmetto is and how it can fuck up his hormones in the same way finasteride (or whatever you took) can. Considering you share the same genes, it could be that he is more susceptible to PFS than the average person


…is some terrible advice.

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He decided to not take the saw palmetto.


Why Greek? Lets not act as if everybody has our shitty genetics… \

Compared to finasteride its far less potent, if I could go back I would definitely try my chances with a product like saw palmetto (natural) instead of pharmaceutical grade potent rat poison.


Because everyone here took a roll of the dice and regrets it.

Because we are aware of siblings having similar responses

Because the guy’s son has pfs.

Because the guy’s sister had a bad reaction to anti depressants, which is another drug class that brings people here.

That’s why your “ah, go on, try it” suggestion is terrible advice.


Certainly have to agree with this. There wouldn’t be PFS if you just got to “try it out”.

I was just “trying it out” back in 2018 when I took 1/2 pills of 1mg fin Mon/Weds/Fri for 4 weeks…

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i know about the potent effect of fin. However whether you like it or not saw palmetto is a herb and natural, therefore its far less potent than fin.

Thats why I said, if I could go back in time, I would definitely try my chances with saw palmetto instead of using fin!

And yet people find themselves here through use of Saw Palmetto. Imagine getting the chance to go back in time and then giving yourself pfs anyway.

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I am gritting my teeth and not escalating this.


Agree holy moley