My Copper is sky high!

Here are the guidelines on wilsons disease

Low Ceruloplasmin level (<20mg/dL) MINE IS 16.5
Kayser-Fleischer Rings (im not sure If I do or don’t have them)
Raised Serum Free Copper (non ceruloplasmin bound) Less than 25ug/dl (MINE IS 37.2)

All that is left for me to check is the 24hr Urine (copper)

Heavy metals are causes of low libido and erectile dysfunction. That was one of the things I haven’t yet measured (I underestimated it).

In the past of this forum, unless mistaken, there were people who were doing heavy metal detoxification protocols. This is certainly underestimated, just like Candida (people here usually think that Candida is just a skin problem, when in fact sometimes it directly affects our neuro-endocrine system).

What kind of doctor did this test? From doing some reading blood and urine aren’t good indicators of copper since it’s mainly stored in certain organs


hi @Lostinaustin

blood is not good because the body tries to keep these minerals in normal balances… when there is a deficiency in the blood it is fatal , so it takes from the tissues. This is what I understood. However I think this is completly accurate with the serum copper and cerulo plasmin. It does not mean I have Wilsons disease, but copper toxicity is something seperate.

I did the copper and ceruloplasmin on my own indication at a private lab.

Well when you treat it and lower it you should update us. Hope it solves your issues!

im not sure its the issue, I am just telling my findings… also Im not sure how to treat it.