my anti-depressant options

What is the go-to Antidepressant (AD) that is recommended here…?

My shrink gave me the following options, please comment if you have thoughts:

-prestiq (no way, causes sexual sides)
-brintellix (same problem)

  • fetlima (same problem)
  • wellbutrin (I tried with very very mild libido boost at some point, and no appreciable antidepressant effect)
  • Serzone (no sexual side effects, some priapism reports but very very rate apparently, … anyone has thoughts about this one??

I tried several myself with no effects on the depression, some actually made it worse, Wellbutrin simply did nothing.

In 4.5 years of being highly active in the PFS community and talking to dozens of sufferers’ I have only heard about Remeron and Trazadone working for “some” people. I emphasize “some”.

I have tried neither myself, and to be honest by time I learned of some people’s success with these medications my life had already been completely up-heaved by the crippling depression. About the 2 year mark off the medication I notice some alleviation in the cognitive side effects however without taking any psycho active meds.

I tried Remeron and it helped me sleep considerably, but but fatigue the next day was crippling. Even benedryl crushed me following day too.

just to update. I am on lamictal (lamotrigine) for about a month. It has helped somewhat with my depression (on average days, great deal at some points) but I still have some really rough depression moments. I am dealing with other medical issues on top of PFS.

Point being: did not make my libido worse or better, no side effects, except the positive impact on mood. My pscych is very good and has searched for the AD with almost no sexual sides (some report positive).

PS: I am still on a low dose and upping it. I need to because I still feel suicidal on some days… like today.

So far, Remeron has been a godsend. I’ve been on about a week. The daytime sleepiness got better each day for me, as did sleep. If you can push through, I think your body adjusts. 15mg right before bed.

Lol, most of the benefits of antidepressants come from placebo effect. Despite that, side effects are very real. If you wanna fuck up yourself even more, then go with antidepressants. Otherwise, if you have a bit of love for yourself, avoid that shit. I ended up with tumoral levels of prolactin (this means 10+ times the higher acceptable limit) because I used an antidepressant while on Finasteride. Really, you won’t fix anything, you will make worse. You guys need to understand that it’s not just Fin the problem. The problem is of most drugs, when taken for prolonged periods of time (in the best scenario) they induce body disequilibrium and damage, sometimes irreversible. It’s not too far from taking daily cocaine to boost your life. In the short run your body gets damaged, often irreversibely. Antidep drugs and other medical drugs are not too different and fin is an example. Take a breath and look at the antidep leaflet’s side effects. Seriously, you don’t want to do that to yourself. You have one body, don’t mess with it further while you still have chances of getting well naturally.

What about 5htp or something like that?
First steep is excercise!

ive had depression from time to time all my life even before pfs and always found exercise to be the best thing in the world for it,nothing like a long fitness session to blast the shitty dark thoughts out your head and get on a natural high…

How are u now mate?
u feel better?

I bought some 5htp in the past because it seemed to me the only acceptable way to manage depression without doing harm. I didn’t use it much however so I cannot tell anything about my experience.

In time I understood that it’s far better to get a good life. Have friends, lough, love, amuse with sports you like, train good habits, get sunlight and all that stuff. No cigarettes and alcohol, this is very important and withdrawing them can really boost you: it might take some time to get better though, weeks, maybe a couple months, that is the approximate time necessary for nicotinic receptors to get back to basal levels. Cigarettes and alcohol can really keep you down. It’s not easy to do all of that with pfs but results will come, at least on the mood and general wellbeing and energies, as long as you work on it and do them consistently. These things are much more powerful than a stupid substance that you inoculate in your body which is far too complicated to be well controlled by one single molecule itself. Oh and well you can’t feel well if you think about your penis all the time. Problems with it need to be accepted to a managable extent.
I agree however that without a bit of scientific knowledge about the body, it might be hard to understand how to direct your priorities. I’m into biology and medical research so it’s easier for me to comprehend what to do about myself, or at least i believe so ahah.

assuming you tried tryptophan, tyrosine, getting enough sunshine and fixing your sleep,reducing inflammation by addressing the diet, then if you still have problems and are ready for chemicals, and assuming you already tried wellbutrin, i would say to try tianeptine, memantine. or maybe give buspirone a try. i have experience with some ads, mostly for sleep, but haven’t used the one’s i suggested you, even though i think they would work for me, and are on my to-try-if-everything-else-fails list. there’s also some anecdotal in the forum about them with success.

ive tried 5htp before and it made me worse,it will only do you any good if you body needs more 5htp,if you already have plenty of the stuff then taking more will make you feel shitty like it did with me…

Try st johns wort and other natural ones.