Hey man, it’s nice to hear you are doing better!
As i thought, your hormone levels are normal just like mine. So that’s the reason why i think this issue takes a place in our brain.
At first, the specific antibiotic i have used Flagyl increased my erection strength (especially girth size) and that stayed the same after quitting. For now i don’t have any issues about keeping an erection or having a full erection especially when i stand up it gets stronger somehow. I believe if i regain my full libido, that would make my erections flawless. My libido was coming back and i was in a good mood again while i was on antibiotic but after finishing it, all libido and good mood has gone again. Right now; i don’t have ED, my sperm volume is great but no libido and orgasm while ejaculation. I just have some sensitivity on the tip of penis which is great.
Important note: 2 days before, i took some heavy alcohol which made me drunk enough to call a girl i like before. Next day for 7-8 hours i felt alive. Normally, brain-genitals connection gets weaker when i use alcohol but this time it even got stronger and i felt happy for no reason at all. But then when i sleep again it was all gone. That’s why i think now this can be a problem about dopamine-serotonine issue. It seems dopamine has a big impact of activation of androgenic hormones and neurostereoids in our body. But like most of the time, that can be a wrong guess too.
Whenever i used a component which works like viagra (i used lifta and panax ginseng) it always helped me about erection and ginseng even increased my libido but after quitting, crashed again.
Nowadays i am considering using Wellbutrin which is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor not a ssri. If it’s a problem about dopamine or dopamine receptors that drug may help right? I still need more information before that.
I wait for your ultrasound test because that will be the main proof of our problems are not related to genital organ failures or some vascular issues but something else.
For now that’s all mate, enjoy your recent progress your condition gives me hope too!