Muscle Twitch and Muscle Wastage and Muscle Weakness

Yes, I have muscle twitches / fasciculations randomly throughout body. These are resolved when I take magnesium citrate. (For some reason, other forms of magnesium are not effective. I don’t know why. I have tried them all.)

I have Post-Accutane Syndrome. I have had it for 18 years.

I guess you are referring to joint pain? I don’t have any joint pain that I can attribute to Post-Accutane syndrome.

I don’t get diarrhoea from the doses I take. If I take too much, yes.



Ho la tua stessa cosa. Purtroppo non credo alla finasteride come causa scatenante piuttosto ad una predisposizione genetica. Credo di avere la SLA e penso che presto la farò finita perché col passare del tempo diventa tutto sempre più invalidante d doloroso