I have found these muscle spasms occur when my testosterone is highest and my body doesn’t have enough 5 alpha reductase enzymes to process it. I am pretty sure that is what PFS is, the twitching is so fucking annoying, but what helps it is a benzodiazapine or muscle relaxer.
I believe the problem can be complained by a study done in rats that found that Finasteride messed up some kind of neurological anti-convulsant.
Good question, because DHT won’t work! The problem isn’t lack of DHT directly, but indirectly, the 5 alpha reductase enzymes have purposes and they do things, when the enzymes are inhibited they no longer do those things which result in all these strange symptoms we have. Directly using DHT won’t solve the problem, it may make you feel a little better in some ways, but most of these problems are caused by the lack of 5 AR enzymes.
I have tried and tested this theory, I am willing to debate anyone on it, I have put it into practice and have my PFS now manageable with a low dose of test, just low enough that my body can reduce it to DHT. My body is producing just enough 5AR enzymes to reduce the amount of test I am on, anymore test and I run out of enzymes and the symptoms occur.
Here is something fascinating about that theory. Many men have sort of hidden symptoms of PFS while on propecia, but once they stop or interupt the use they crash (like me) propecia raises your testosterone like 20%, so if there is initial damage (which everyone might have) from the first use; some might not be affected until stopping the finasteide
This actually makes sense…so you feel better on very low dose of testo?
Yes, I couldn’t figure out why I was healed to 90% for almost 2 weeks, which when on testosterone is not a minor thing. I went from normal to being total high on testosterone, its a feeling I missed a lot. Then a crash, I had realized that what I did different was I injected half a dose the week before. I read somewhere that the body produces 5AR enzymes in 5 days, and also I took HCG on this low dose of test, the HCG always makes me feel better and another study I read stated that HCG was a precursor to 5AR enzymes.
What also got me thinking was that every time I get better, my skin gets oily, I start losing hair, and my face tightens up and I get more ripped and lean look as the lack of 5AR enzymes to reduce test to DHT causes it to be aromatized leaving estrogen effects. BTW, Arimidex is only effective at reducing estrogen, but it cannot regulate it like DHT, so it really for me only helps with the cosmetic symptoms, the water retention.
I am a guy into how I look, so I am trying to maintain myself while I get through this, the hormones have allowed me to, though I lost a lot of muscle size, it all started coming back those 1.5 weeks. It is currently back since I lowered my test, but relative to the amount of test I am on. That is the catch 22, I can only be as big as the amount of test I am on, or feel as good effects as the amount of test I am on.
Now, what happened I feel is that I stored up 5AR enzymes by taking a low dose the 1.5 weeks before the second crash. Then I went back up to a high dose, exhausted my supply by the second week, as you inject a big dose of test, it starts out real high then levels off after 5 days, that is how HRT works. In our systems being compromised to produce 5AR enzymes, we exhaust them on the first day or two . I managed to store up a lot of enzymes and felt completely normal and healed that next week.
So HCG induces 5AR activity and the key is to induce this activity and keep the testosterone low enough to coincide with the 5AR activity you have. So far my theories in practice have reflected my theory, I see my hormone doctor Monday and will be going over my theories with him, he is one of the top doctors in the world. I also will report back on my next injection next week to see if this keeps up. The idea is to find the highest dose we can process that is not too high that we overwhelm our system, that is the way to treat this condition. I do believe that this therapy will also help us recover, that is based on my rapid recovery from others here. I have been on HRT, before, during and after the crash.
My later crashes all happened when I injected test, then I felt better after it leveled out, I couldn’t understand it till now, it didn’t make sense, but now it does.