Muscle pain in the legs, hips, buttocks, knees

I am experiencing annoying lower back pain in my buttocks and lower back as well as my hips and knees. Muscle pain in the legs and muscle weakness. While in terms of ED, the psychological aspect also seems to improve, it is no longer so suicidal/drama.
Too bad the pains are really annoying and disabling that do not allow a short sprint or a jog yet I was a very active person. The leg muscles are very soft and I am experiencing a progressive increase in body fat. I’m in the tenth week since the stop and I must say that if it weren’t for the pain I would be almost fine. I only take a mild B complex multivitamin and a balanced diet without particular excesses. Does anyone have similar symptoms? How did you treat them?? Don’t tell me Vit. D3 because I’ll never take it. Thanks to those who interact.

Hi, I’m Italian too and I went through something very similar with Saw Palmetto. If you want to have a chat, let me know. Don’t give up.

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si mi farebbe piacere

uno dei più grandi problemi della sindrome (anche io ho preso insieme a FINA per 4 anni Saw Palmetto) è che ti passa un dolore e te ne viene un altro non stai mai bene inoltre ci sono tante ricadute dopo periodi di parziale remissione di alcuni sintomi/dolori. fondamentalmente non se ne esce dal mio punto di vista. fammi sapere come possiamo chiacchierare mi sarebbe molto di aiuto. grazie