Muscle loss and facial changes

Guys I’m now about 2 years into muscle loss and facial changes which are only getting worse. I’ve also lost a significant amount of gum tissue and my strength has also fell away dramatically. For those that suffer from these symptoms I was wanting to know if there’s anyone out there where this has stopped/plateaud. Please provide your views as I’m very worried to where this is heading. I react to almost everything so can’t take collagen, protein shakes, supps etc

Normal for PFS individuals. For me, it hasn’t gotten better or worse since stopping the drug but I am also very young. You could be aging on top of having PFS causing a further decrease in collagen content in the skin and muscle mass.


Thanks Zonz it has been dramatic across all areas to the point people are commenting. Interesting yours stopped.

I‘ve suffered major loss as well. It’s so bad that it sure as hell ain’t age-related.

I was really into bodybuilding before PFS. Before that, I’d never taken a PED in my life and was still always being accused of being on steroids in a half-teasing kind of way. Now I look so sickly in comparison that people are genuinely concerned that I have a terminal disease or am starving myself due to a mental disorder or something.

If ANYONE has figured out how to recover the muscle mass, please speak up!!! Soon I will be starting high-dose Proviron in a desperate attempt to reverse this affliction.


I’m the same mate. My next steps. How long have you b3n dropping muscle and is it continuing, how much in total. I bumped into a kid today who I haven’t seen for a year and he thiught those exact to things. I’m still eating and training but nothing is keeping it on. .

Until you can fix your PFS the muscles won’t come back sadly…

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Oh about 10 years. There was a drastic drop in the first couple of years, then the rate slowed.

I’m 5’9”. Before PFS, I hovered between 160-165lbs and 6-8% body fat. Now I’m about 140-145lbs and 15% body fat, so disgusting.


Ok thanks just needed to know that it slows or stops as at this rate there will be nothing left. That’s a significant loss. Cheers for the input guys.

Phenytoin , an antiepileptic drug and Cyclosporin an immunosupressant have been found to increase 5a reductase activity and cause gingival hyperplasia (gum hypertrophy) and hirsutism. Seems like 5a reductase activity plays a role in gum health. Maybe consult a doctor if those drugs are safe to try for you. But muscle is a testosterone thing… Btw how are you doing on bacopa monnieri? Any improvements


Cheers Hairybonse. It increased some of my symptoms so I had to stop it, the improvement in mood and most other things only happened with the 1 capsule. I’ll take another one in a week. I was on cyclosporine years ago for my rheum. It may help with other things as our bodies seem to be degrading rapidly could be linked to an immune response as said by many others.

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It’s stops the immune system attacking organ transplants as you probably know

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I’ve rang my consultants secretary to request the cyclosporine I’ll keep you posted. Cheers man


Thank you Lazarus. I am consulting my doctor too this week or the next. In the study about cyclosporine it says it increases peripheral androgen action with no great difference in serum concentrations which is the problem with many people here. This is info about the study I am not yet well informed about the meaning of peripheral androgen action but ill ask my doc to enlighten me. The medication I want to try for DHT is with this order creatine,proviron,cyclosporin, HGH precusors. Maybe the reason you feel bad on high DHT has to do with no peripheral androgen action. But remember to be safe and ask the doctor cause if you get fuct this will make me guilty.

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Don’t worry man I need something to get some relief. Desperate times. It’s all like russian roulette as we’ve been left to rot with this disease floundering and deteriating.


Did you try it?

Nope. No air time from the proff. Door firmly closed on this. He has to operate within guidelines.

Did you try it?

Doc willing to rx just can’t see it doing anything.