Multiple Chemical Syndrome is a syndrome that’s quite similar to PFS, expect unlike PFS, the case has been “closed” on it by the medical community. It started in the 1950’s when pesticides such as DDT and indoor chemicals such as lead paints and petroleum-based products started to become ubiquitous. Doctors were, for the first time, getting patients complaining about a wide range of physical and psychological problems solely attributed by the patients to exposure to petroleum-based products.
The case was closed on it after extensive research into immunology showed no allergic reaction to the petroleum based chemicals and after several patients recovered from the condition after psychological therapy.
However, despite the case being closed on MCS, those chemicals still exist today and are more ubiquitous than ever. We live in a world where everything around us -the floors, the walls, the ceilings, the air, the food, the water - contain petroleum based chemicals that we are constantly exposed to. And it’s only in the past 20 years or so that we’ve realized the endocrine disrupting properties that these chemicals have.
All in all, I wonder if reducing, or completely eliminating, exposure to petroleum based chemicals would improve or “cure” PFS? After all, many of these chemicals are anti-androgenic, which puts them in the same boat as Finasteride as something that we should definitely AVOID.
Personally, I felt my condition improve a lot after moving into inner city Tampa, an area which has all pesticide usage banned, although the earth is mostly concrete there anyway. There’s a lot more bugs flying around there as well, and in general the environment seems more rugged and “high testosterone” than the sterilized suburbs I grew up in, which had pesticides sprayed weekly. Men in the inner city are generally more fit and rugged then men in the suburbs, ethnic and cultural differences aside.
All I’m saying is, with PFS, it’s possible that the weakness of the androgen receptor in humans is permenantely (or “persistently”) exacerbated, and that constant exposure to these chemicals is preventing our systems from recovering. And considering most PFS victims are white or Asian, who have weaker androgen receptors than say, black or Polynesians, I wouldn’t be surprised if the constant, never-ending exposure to pesticides and petroleum products are worsening our conditions without us realizing. The only thing you can do is move away from it and stop using petroleum products on yourself and surroundings.