morning woods

Hi everybody,

I was thinking something here. How come many of us have good night woods and morning erections, but as soon as we wake up they disappear???

Well, in my modest opinion, this would not happen at all if we wouldn’t think about our problems since the minute we wake up. If we could really erase from our heads the the constant thinking of propecia’s side effects, Im SURE our morning woods would not disappear as soon as we wake up.

And Im also SURE that many of us would solve their problems.

The only explanation possible to the fact that a good night wood disappears as soon as we wake up, is that our mind inhibits the reaction.

Im talking specially about people who dont have any other side effect than low libido. A lot of this could be in our heads.

Just an opinion.

I dont agree with you at all on this one JC. We are not horny and not getting morning woods that last or even none at all becuase there is somthing physically wrong with us.

Any red blooded man will get a fat if he looks at porn in the privacy of his own house. It is not in my head and I doubt it is in anyone else head either.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that is the criteria that the medical profession uses to determine if it’s psychological or physiological ED. If you still get nocturnals and wake up with AM wood, then your problems are in your head.

That being said the little noctunals and AM wood I have are not of the same size or intensity they use to be. I’m sure the same is true for you guys. So don’t believe it’s psychological.

So the question then becomes what happens in our bodies when we wake up that remains constant throughout the day that is responsible for killing the erection? Is it cortisol? I know that when I wake up, my T is within the reference ranges, but starting at 1:00 PM, my T falls far below the minimum reference.

do you think it could be a problem with dopamine?

Ok, let me tell you my case then,

Whenever I feel positive and cheerful about recovery, night woods and morning woods are really awesome. It is also true, that when I do wake up, and start to think about my morning wood, it disipates within minutes.

It is also true, that several times I have felt easily aroused without taking any meds. For example, the first time I followed a diet, I did feel normal for a while. That is, I could easily get horny like before. The same thing happened after I started dr. wilson’s regime, and even more when I took the broccoli treatment.

Anyone can explain this to me as something physical??? I doubt it. My libido is really tied up to my mood. That is the conclusion of the above.

So I believe the gene is not damaged. I believe also that a big part of our problem is in our heads. Stuey talked about this also some almost a year ago.

I will tell you something else: almost every time I have felt normal, my hairloss has greatly increased, just like normal times. How come?¿¿¿

We inhibit in a big part our sexual health.

Thats my opinion.

I categorically disagree…wanna know why? Because I had all these libido and ED issues long before I even discovered these discussion boards, and long before I ever even suspected Propecia to be the problem… In fact, I compeltely dismissed Propecia as the culprit because for years I believed my doctors when they told me that the pill has little sides, and what sides the pill does have will go away if you stop using it… So, for years I thought my problems were wholly predicated on some other issues… I just recently found these discussion boards and discovered that everyone here has the same problems as I do…

im not saying our problems are for everybody in our heads. Im just saying that for some of us they sure play an important role.

When you say before discovering this forum, do you mean that you suffered from side effects while on the drug??

I think its the muscle up inside. Finasteride irritated that muscle and it is tense a lot during the day. When we sleep it relaxes, and things proceed more as normal, but when we wake, it tightens, and erections are tough.
I think the whole libido thing is more in the head.
When we do not feel the blood flow, and some initial stages of arousal, and things starting to grow, it gets us discouraged. Or when we haven’t had success in a while, why get excited.
I still get attracted to girls, but once I start fantasizing about them, I second guess my ability sometimes, and that gets in the way of fantasy.
This is what I think.
I think this can also affect hormones greatly, and everything else.
I think when the blood flow is constricted by that muscle, it causes a lot of the other problems people have with their penises.
I’m trying to loosen up, and relieve the stress, and tension up inside. I’m trying to follow the Edge Effect book.

Good luck.

Yes, I had sides while on the drug, but thought they would go away once I stopped… I stopped and the sides never went away…I never thought it was fin that was causing my sides after I stopped beacuse my doctor told me the sides would go away… after a year off the drug, my sides never went away, and just recently I found this board and suspected that it was fin… so, it’s not like i was psyching myself out or anything


I understand your point. However, the fact that makes me think what I wrote before, is that after leaving proscar, I have had times where I felt totally cured (you can read my posts on yahoo). If you take this into consideration plus the fact that my blood work is very good (even my endo said I have uncommon high free testo), then the least I could possibly do is take into consideration psychological issues as a probable present cause of my problem (in my case, and in other ones similar to mine).

Yeah, if you assume that hormone problems are the cause of our ED, libido problems. Many people here, including me, believe that the hormone issues are merely an effect of a more complex underlying problem, which is why most people do not respond to hormone replacement therapies.

I thought about this as well, the idea that feeling positive results in good erections or visa versa. But the fact that they coincide isn’t necessarily psychological - whatever is affecting our function is also affecting our mood, and when that is right, both are working well (mood, sex, mind etc). Whether T or dopamines or whatever.

The fluctuating would make it seem like hormones, but then why do some suffer with good profiles. And then if it’s signals or pathways in the brain, why would there be fluctuation? Wouldn’t that be a more consistent problem?

Also, aren’t morning erections caused by and the result of something different than erections based on arousal?

I was under the impression that nocturnal/morning erections were due to requiring both adequate Total and Free T levels.

See this study: … /6/963.pdf

"We explored the possibility that there might be a threshold average daily serum T level for sexual response, meaning a T level at which the sexual response was no different from that of the group of subjects with the lowest serum T level (0–300 ng/dL) and above which there was a significant change compared with that of the group of subjects with the lowest serum T level.

This threshold level appeared to be approximately 400 ng/dL for nighttime erections, 500 ng/dL for sexual intercourse, and 600 ng/dL for sexual desire."

Anybody here with a T level under 400 getting erections and able to perform with a partner? Conversely, anyone over 600 not?

This is very interesting because I wake up with wood, but it goes away immediately, and my T is around 450 in the mornings, but as the day progresses, it falls well below 300 and it’s impossible for me to get an erection or be sexually aroused.

Since quitting, my T has declined from high range to low end normal. Highest was 915, most recent was 439. My morning erections have somehow gotten better over that time however my libido has plummeted. I’ll have new results in 2 weeks. I wish I had kept a better record of the times of day I gave blood and the symptoms that week.