Morning depressions

I feel so suicidal mornings. I hate wakeup. Now 7 months after last pill. Please help me.


I have the same problem. Hope for the best

Guys I know how awful it is to feel this way. You won’t feel like this forever and things will improve. Try and take things slowly and do a few things that you used to enjoy. Get out into nature a bit. Before you go bed think of 3 things that you are grateful for or that was good about your day. Even silly things like I enjoyed taking a bath. Get help if you can too. A counsellor or psychotherapist can really improve your mental state of mind.

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How’s your sleep like? Is it deep? Dreams? Do your experience unexpected awakenings? What time you go to bed? What time you wake up?

I get these morning depressions every once in a while and they usually happen when I over train and sleep way too late and get up early.

My sleep deep, i have some dreams. I sleep like 8 hours. But morning wakeup is hell

I feel you. It usually resolves into the day. Does coffee help?

i dont take cafein. i think it is harmfull for us.

Maybe, maybe not. I had two totally different reactions to caffeine. A year ago it gave me jitters and made me anxious with cold hands and feet. Nowadays, it lifts my mood and gives me energy boost.

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What sides do u have a part from that? Sexual? Energy…?