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The UK’s Daily Express is running a story today titled “Death of the comb-over: Men choose transplants over the Bobby Charlton.”

Note that at the end, the reporter writes:

Here are the top 10 techniques men use to disguise baldness:

  1. Shaved head - 24 per cent
  2. Wear a hat or cap - 21 per cent
  3. Hair transplant - 20 per cent
  4. Grow a bear - 8 per cent
  5. Clinically proven hair treatment drugs such as Propecia or Minoxidil - seven per cent
  6. Hair weave - six per cent
  7. Hairpiece - five per cent
  8. Hair dye - four per cent
  9. Strand by strand treatment favoured by cricket stars like Shane Warne and Graham Gooch - three per cent
  10. Spray paint (mane thickening sprays made of tiny coloured fibres which allow men to pain over their bald patch) - two per cent

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