Money compensation seems the most realistic and feasible recovery

I people didnt suited for Viooxxx people will still dying and other having horrible secondary effects… Its a must and moral obligation to do it, no matter where the money goes after it.

Hi @anon58873600,

Can you please outline a sensible plan for what your proposing? Maybe you are seeing something many of us are not? Maybe I am missing something but I am unsure what exactly you are proposing that hasn’t already been tried and failed.

same here, the thing i was trying to say and most of the people try NOT to understand is this , the organization should handle the legal issue too(parallel to medical research probably) otherwise if we want to go to fight MERCK as individual we are doomed

(please read the whole thing before jumping to any conclusion)

The bigger picture is this : someone(MERCK) buttraped US(pfsers) and us victims instead of going after the raper, are trying to find a cream(which is by no means reachable) for our wounded asses BUT the thing is i am not blaming US cause there is not much we as a hurt,cheated and wounded individual can do about the incident(actually we are doing a great job on helping each other, thats all we can do as individuals) but the blame is on the foundation that as an organization it has the means(at least much more than us as individuals) to take on MERCK, now some people might come and say hey we did this 10 years ago and all we got is a few thousand dollars, that might be the case but that doesnt mean that foundation shouldnt bother themselves to put pressure on MERCK.

EDIT: foundation can use our statistics to put pressure on MERCK, who knows whats going on behind the scene

Ok, I think I understand but isn’t them funding research studies to prove PFS is real the first step and the evidence they would need so that they can put the pressure on Merck? And isn’t that what they are doing at the moment?

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ok i hope u r right(research will lead to an evidence to help the victims…), imao victims would be better off if foundation were on the issue more legally than scientifically. only time will tell…

This might sound ridiculous and I guess it probably is, but I actually wonder if anyone in the trump administration could be contacted. I actually honestly feel like people working for him are more oriented toward helping people than those of presidents/politicians of the past. Consider that laughable if you would like, but I do think that they do at least pride themselves in trying to be that way, even if in reality they are not. Maybe it’s at least not controversial to say that they do confront people (e.g., drug companies) in a way that is basically the opposite of presidents of the past

Basically, I feel like Trump likes to fight whereas presidents usually like to align themselves with whoever is powerful…

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You are unhappy about your situation in life and now expecting a benevolent non-profit to do everything you wish. They are not going to. If you want to sue Merck go ahead and try to find somebody who will do it for you or people who will join up with you to try and form some group.

Show a little bit of gratitude for a foundation that has had no obligation to help you and has put in countless efforts to do so over the years.

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We should all be donating as much money as we can. It’s almost like we should donate first and then talk after. Talking but not donating is basically bullshit.


thats what. i meant, do whatever it takes to bring attention to this matter. i myself interviewed 2 french journalists by skype, contacted 3 arabic newspaper and they published about pfs, i m not saying i took big steps but we should do whatever it takes(even make foundation to take legal actions against merck) to pressure merck and make the issue public

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man i dont want to show gratitude, this is my way, you can go and show gratitude by whichever way u think its appropriate and fits ur character, god created us free and we can criticize whoever we want, foundation is not above god

ps: criticizing and making recommendations is not a sign of being ungrateful

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I think it will be the best decision of anything connected to the mentioned description.

Did you tell them about how people are dropping like flies? People we’ve individually spoken to on here and in private messages. One day talking. Next day gone? Thank you very much for doing that, though. It’s more than I’ve done.


no need to thank me brother, i did it for my own sake… actually i am thankful that i dont have a lost friend here , but i told them everything, A to Z. i remember for the french paper interview… i sent the girl a few GOOD stories on here prior to my app so the journalist were fully aware of our situation before the actual skype interview, i remember the girl was in full disbelief that this thing happened and is happening in the U.S, she told me that she is hearing stories that people are getting huge amount of money for dog bites and how is this possible that MERCK is getting away with it so easily… long story short i enlightened her that the situation is so complicated, and dealing with pharmaceutical companies and their powerful lobbies is just like fighting with the actual government. i know this small things do nothing good to us but at least it made me feel good to defame those MERCK scumbags

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I don’t always phrase things myself as well as l should. The wording of your statement was a little tough for me to digest, though. I can see now, you weren’t trying to be offensive. We’re good.

This poison has taken it’s toll on all of us. Most of us have our hands full with life. This Forum was never underappreciated by me. Thank You for all you’ve done and do.


Let me think it over, what is around this pfs: if there were a cure in the next future, merck could sell 2-3as much from this poisen. They could make hundreds of millions dollar more pro year. With a cure: it wouldnt be poisen anymore. It would be a great medicin!
Why they dont do research for a few millons? I’m afraid, the answer could be: ther is no cure in reachable time,( there’s no cure) so they sell it until they can. Finasterid, durasterid, minoxidil and whatever. The only what we can do: warn as much people as we could. Last monts i warned 2 friends. One of them stopp it after 3 monts. (First syndrom: low libido and hard to keep erection)The other said: the doctor means: the man who said finasterid is poison, is stupid.

the good thing about the research is (probably)finally they will accept and recognize that there is an illness called PFS, officially recognizing PFS MIGHT change things in favor of us, other than that its so unbelievable that they can find a cure

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I filled out the servuy, but i think i’m not listed. I got pfs from minoxidil and i dont see it in the list. Everybody talkes only about finasterid, but the other poisons destroy sexuality too. Minoxidil does the same. May be it causes less side effects, but “only impotent” is bad enoght too. I dont believe in a cure, but want to write everywhere, that not only finasterid and durasterid are poison: minoxidil and some other medications too. In 2015 i read everywhere, that minoxidil is safe and reversible. No!!! It isnt!

no it is not, ive talked to people who got full blown PFS by just using mino

bullshit. minoxidil is a blood pressure medication. it can cause sexual sides but NEVER the cognitive impairment that ssri, finasteride or accutane people can have. that we have this shit from finasteride is far too crazy for the most doctors. stop being even more ridiculous with these claims