Mohit Khera live Q&A August 10th

Here’s your chance ask Mohit your questions


For anyone thinking of attending this, I cannot stress enough to be calm and civil in your questions and/or discussion. There have been numerous patients harass Dr Khera over the years - even if they didn’t think it was harassment - by repeatedly calling his office, incessantly sending countless emails and tagging him on Twitter and other social media posts. Please think about the representation of our community you put forward to the public.

Secondly, for anyone looking for Khera’s “commentary” or thoughts about the Baylor results, I doubt you’re going to get much other than he finds it interesting. The study is his commentary.

Finally, please do not think that Khera is going to recommend any potential treatments, or theories about treatments, either publicly or privately. The man is intelligent enough to look at such widespread dysregulation of gene expression and realise that he does not have the tools in his toolkit to offer solutions at this point.

Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade, just being realistic about what patients can feasibly expect from participating in the Q&A.


Did anybody end up attending?