Minoxidil Reduces AR Transcription (NEED ADVICE PLEASE)

So I was on opiates for about 8 months to get rid of the head pressure, and the relived the “excess” androgen feeling I had from PFS. Inflamed Skin/Scalp, Oily Scalp, Unnatural Energy, Slowed Diffuse Hairloss(Never had any hairloss prior to FIN) basically Everything I felt from Testosterone, because my body has extremely upregulated/oversensitive Androgen Receptors since the crash. I still had all my main symptoms which are completely UNBEARABLE, but now that the androgen symptoms are back its driving me even more insane.

So once i quit opiates, after the opiate withdrawal subsided, i felt better than norma(PFS) for a day, then the next day all the androgen symptoms i was suffering before opiates came back, it was like DEJAVU of extra symptoms i had before opiates. This is obviously because testosterone is back since opiates decrease Test. I need to find a way to lower my AR sensitivity, because this makes my already living hell much worse. before i couldn’t get out of bed because my brain is so fucked, now I’m just in a fetal position basically because the inflammation caused by oversensitive AR.

I found that Minoxidil works in the opposite way of Finasteride, Since FIN does up regulates AR and make it more sensitive, also causing increased AR transcription factor.

Minoxidil Does The Following:
suppressed AR-responsive reporter activity
decreased AR protein stability
suppressed AR-related functions
decreasing AR transcriptional activity
reducing expression of AR targets at the protein level
suppressing AR-positive LNCaP cell growth

IVE been using morphine every 3 days just to get rid of the inflamed feeling in my scalp and body, just until i can find out another way to fix this. But it isn’t helping as much as when i was using it everyday, even on the days i use it now, i don’t really think its helping much, as its probably not reducing testosterone close to what it was everyday.

Morphine gives me no pleasure because I’m so tolerant, so I’m just using for this purpose. But Morphine also isn’t something i can take all the time because i still have to go through opiate withdrawal, which is almost as bad as the inflamed feeling.
DO you guys think its worth a try, I just can’t afford to make things worse. Thanks

Not completely on topic, but there was a user who posted here a few years back that he recovered from PFS for a few days while he was having withdraws from heroin.