MIND UK National health organization: My doctor convinced me to took SSRI's because my depression is !more worse! than the terrifying side effects

In their campaign specially for teenagers and young people (children) they give not any advice about the possibility of lifelong lasting side effects and the existence of pssd.


Gross. There were some in the PSSD community who reached out to Mind years ago. They are supposedly in tight collaboration with the drug industry.

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As more you check it, as more you are shocked.

There is the dirty collaboration from Merck with the WHO, playing the philanthropics with 60.000 vioxx deaths in their package. The FDA ignoring 80.000 finasteride entries and 19.000 registered pfs cases.

And than the UK health Organisation makes a special campaining for teenagers with psych problems and “force” them to take SSRI’S against their fear of the horrible side-effects.

With the Pssd community big pharma has played the game to hard with to many people and the sleeping tiger just awakes. It’s so wonderful people comming up. And pssd can’t be longer ignored. I suggested to initiate the same hidden face pics, faces of pfs and short tictoc campaigns via show and load up buttons in pfs network. But at first you are busy to organize the Kiel study. Some people are willing to show up.

Maybe I’m old and frustrated but for the young ones I can’t understand that the pfs community don’t fight for a potential cure, for awarness to be recognized and to protect others.

In their wet dreams Merck couldn’t have better victims as the self curing, hidden and Mercks products buying community than us.