Milk Thistle for Isotretinoin side effects

Hi everybody,

I’m new to this forum. I made this thread to get some answers about milk thistle and post accutane syndrome.

I’ve read on this website that milk thistle caused bad results for people who took Finasteride. Now, I don’t found anyone on the website or here who took Accutane and reacted bad on milk thistle. I would like to ask if there is anyone here who took Milk Thistle after Accutane for relieving side effects and had a bad experience? I’ve been taking milk thistle for a while now and had no bad reaction whatsoever, but after reading about the bad experience of PFS and milk thistle I want to be sure I don’t do any harm. Does Accutane and Finasteride work the same in the body?

Can anyone who can help me please answer or give me some information?

Thanks in advance!

Whether they work the same can’t be answered bc nobody knows how accutane works or what the issue in us sufferers are unfortunately

Ok thank you! Have you ever read something about milk thistle and bad interaction for accutane side effects? Seems that for Accutane users it can’t do any harm…

No problem! And where do you get that idea from, who’s said that? If you don’t mind me asking

Because on the thread repairing the long term damage from Roaccutane so many people take or took milk thistle and there is no report from any bad result or worsening side effects compared to here where people with post finasteride syndrome… That’s why I suppose this sorry no official reports or anything

No problems, have they seen improvements ? I’m not on that forum but I am accutane

I know @awor had a bad reaction to it. But ultimately chap it’s up to you just go slow and steady and see how you react, it’s a 5ar inhibitor so it may downregulate your androgen receptor enough so you bounce back to homeostasis, it’s impossible to know.

…or it could significantly worsen your symptoms.

Thank you for your answer. What is a 5ar inhibitor? I’m not really wel-studied about all of this…

Yes it’s a gamble as I said. Just be careful @Sam I’d message the guys who improved using it for advice.