Mifepristone worked

Glad you’re yourself again. It’s amazing actually that you restored. I’m very thankful for you being here, and explaining to sll of us what worked for you, and what the mechanisms your theorized were that lead you there. It’s mife is definitely high on my shortlist of things to try.

Was still curious as to recovery of some of the sides I experience, was wondering if you had them and to what extent you recovered from them. Because these are at the core of my misery:

Was wondering though, did you improve or notice any changes in levels of masculinity decrease in femininity (if that was an issue for you)? Finasteridd felt like a chemical castration, and as if something changed my brain.

It caused a lack of being a man that causes most of my depressive issues/insecurities, libido ED, motivation and more. I can only change so much consciously. But if that subconscious part of you, is ripped away from you chemically, pharmaceutically, there’s just a certain extent that power of will can overcome. The rest stays.

Did you experience or have experienced that lack of certainty, definiteness, purpose, strength.

How did that restore your original and ahthentic masculinity, and to what extent?

What could you tell about that?

Thanks for being here man

Yes, basically the progesterone receptor is somehow blocked to do its job, my theory and one angle is as the reset of the glucorticoid system specifically in the hypothalamus….the progesterone is now unblocked as progesterone uses glucroticoids to do its job basically…so you solve the glucorticoid side part of it with a reset thrpugh mifepristone, naturally allowing the body to let progesterone flow through the body once agsin, hence my deficency 6 months later, its like the body used it all up, after being blocked for so long.

Where in the world can one get a dependable high quality source? Would love to try the 700mg for a week.

I also promised myself that if something restored me, long term specifically, i would hang around and tell my experience and hopefully other guys can replicate it, as i believe it was not a strand of luck, the studies, theory and practical back it up.

Im also hanging around because i didnt know how deep of a hole we are in, the change is like day and night…its like the body is back on is one way to explain it.

Regarding masculine experience. I feel more alpha…deeper voice…and my face has gone from more of a moon type to a more long face. Confidence is up, though its natural its not like material stuff increased the confidence…its a different confidence from within with the body being in homestasis.

Females notice me more…easier to talk to them naturally….before it felt more artificial…

I know this Mifepristone sounds to good to be true…please note im giving my 100% honest experience as thats the only way we will all move forward and in no way here to fool anybody….im passionate about what it can potenially do to redet the body (specifally endocrine side of things ) I just want to see other guys replicate the results…so it can start a pattern within the group.

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I belueve you the way you describe it it exactly what I’ve been missing since Finasteride screwed over the brain. It’s not being more masculine or anything. You don’t even think in those terms. It’s just, being yourself. But that just happens to be alpha, masculine or whatever you call it.

I’m excited man. Can’t wait. I’m checking up the studies, and all of your other comments here right now.

By the way how is the mife reset affecting your skin? Softness of it, subq fat, bodyhair, oiliness? Have you seen any differences there yet?

Regarding skin, before PAS PFS I had normal moisture lips….during PAS PFS (many years after stopping the medication) very dry lips….after mifepristone the moisture in the lips is back….I would say that is due to the progestin cascade working as should….skin moisture being one specifically in my case lips.
regarding rest of skin I didn’t really notice much of a difference.

As the previous poster said though, this is all well and good but how can we actually get it?

Good question, im close to confirming a solid source…once confirmed I will let you guys know.

If you live in a country with a lax custom when it comes to medicine you could easily source it from India etc. I think both UK and US would fall in this category.

Wow this post in October 2020, is when I thought the Mifepristone stopped working or the body got dysfunctioned again…but it was simply a deficency in progesterone…once instarted the low dose…i was back to 85-90%.

When i say i was still horny while progesterone was low….i beleive the Mifepristone somehow increased my LH (lutenzing hormone from about 3.6 to about 10.1) and nearly doubled my FSH from about 5.5 to about 10. So libido comes from LH and or FSH.

I got the tests to prove it…can upload the differences with dates if required

Thanks look forward to source. My LH is top of range and I don’t have libido btw. Testosterone is within range but low

How is your FSH ?

Just above midrange (6.8). LH was 12.8

What about cortisol and progesterone…i beleive alot of guys cortisol is high…indictive of high corticotropin relesing hormone from the hypothalamus

Thats where i beleive the damage happened…in the hypothalamus.

Progrsterone isn’t tested - cortisol indeed was high

Hi man, please post your blood results with dates, for anyone still wondering, or whenever this thread is read in the future.

Wouldn’t it be safer to try this while on TRT/exogenous test and or dht? Because taking an anti-androgen is essentially what caused this mess after all. I’m not as excited about mifepristone anymore knowing it dampens the bodily androgens and raises estrogen even higher, to my intuition that’s exactly what we don’t want.

What do you think about it?

I have really low lh, lower range fsh, mid to high t levels and lower range dht. Any insight on this.

if anybody have reliable source please PM

I will post in the next few days.

Its not what the treatment does during those 7 days, its what it permanently done to the bio markers permanently in the near future.

So if it dampens androgens amd raises esteogen, why is my LH and FSH higher, testosterone higher, estradiol lower, prolactin lower, inflammation is back in check and liver enzymes specifically billirubin is no longer in high range,
So how does Mifeprsitone effect long term dampen the bio markers in a negative way ?