Merck's Propecia Persistence Program and Money Back Guarantee

These advertising programs speak for themselves. Translation: Take our magic hair pill and you will keep your hair and maybe even grow the rest back. If it doesn’t work keep taking it because it may take longer for you. You have nothing to lose with our loyalty program, money back guarantee, and absence of permanent risks. If you are one of the unlucky 1-2% who develop side effects just stop taking our magic pill and they will go away…

Yet years later many of us are still waiting for the side effects to go away…

I remember a TV advert where they called DHT this “pesky little molecule that causes MPB”. Can’t wait until that one is played in front of a jury. This commerical should be played and every Merck exec and doc should be asked whether or not they think DHT is a “pesky little molecule” during the law suits. I remember seeing that commercial and knowing nothing about hormones and thinking, “great, its just a molecule I don’t need so why not?”

So much of their information, including the disconnect between Propecia and Proscar’s fact sheets, are blatantly misleading. Every moment they are continuing to advertise in this manner is disregard for someone’s personal health, sexual life, and safety.

Its even peskier when inhibited :wink:

Yeah fuck em they are a bunch of crooks and jail time should be served.