Merck's website is OFFLINE.

It appears Merck’s official website has been taken offline and is no longer available.

Unknown if this is permanent or temporary, but certainly interesting timing considering the growing legal actions and media awareness about persistent Finasteride side effects.

Interesting message…
“You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.
Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.”


I was about to say that it’s probably nothing but a technical error but that big side effect notification at the bottom is quite strange.

This definitely looks like damage control IMO. They figure they can have the best of both worlds, still sign up new victims and claim they put a serious warning on their product website.

The side effects notification is so prominent. Merck really knows about the side effects. The only tragedy is that they know perfectly well that people suffer so badly from the side effects and that their lives are ruined but they cannot/don’t want to admit it as they fear law suits.
I don’t care about money. I just want my sexuality back.

We need to call that FDA-number. The more people call that number, the more attention the FDA gets. I am from Germany and I will call them on monday. So also people from outside the USA should call.

in wtf consists propecia persistence program?
it’s not a recruitment for merck studies? :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what this program is but there was a rebate program for Propecia earlier. They offered XX dollars back on every prescription filled.

Propecia website has been taken down likely in relation to the higher risk of prostate cancer from taking the drug.

I want in on a class action lawsuit. I want Merck out of business. The FDA should be sued as well. I cannot fathom how these crooks can live with themselves.

Yeah, it definitely looks like damage control. They pretend to take this seriously, but they don’t. I’ve been in contact with them earlier. They refused to give me any details about the Propecia trials, but requested a detailed report of my experience, and they stopped responding immediately, and took down that had the Propecia prescribing information leaflet which stated that all hormone values returned to baseline values within 2 weeks after quitting the treatment - when I confronted them with it. Propecia’s patent expires in 2013 doesn’t it? They have squeezed every drop out of this drug, and now they’re facing lawsuits. I agree that this fucking company should be put out of business, although it’s extremely unlikely. In 10 years or so, they have had at least 3 dangerous drugs on the market; Vioxx, Propecia and Singulair. How is it possible to get away with this? These drugs have ruined a lot of lives. The worst part is that children are treated with Singulair.

The FDA doesn’t give a shit either.

I agree Enden. It really is a sad story for all of us and all the other victims of the other medications.
Unfortunately, pharma companies like Merck are so big and powerful that a group like us can do nothing. Even if the lawsuit is successful the money they will pay is likely to be peanuts for them.
It’s a cruel world where people put money above the lives of people. I have not much hope left after an ordeal of almost eight years.

That’s the sort of money big pharma deal with. Casually paying out billions.

very interesting development

i was sure it was down,

i read also the examiner article

but i found this


Well it appears their webdesign people were lazy and only disabled the main front page, that doesnt mean the pages linked to it were also brought down, which is what you are seeing there.

so is up and running again. This proves what we all suspected; merck is going to keep propecia for as long as they can, just like with VIOXX. They’ll pull it in November 2013, when their patent expires.
online again…