MERCK's internal database - Human Finasteride study abstracts / sexual side effects etc

The following scans are complements of a user on this forum, who obtained them from his doctor, after his doc requested info from Merck about sexual side effects/gynecomastia etc.

Here is the original letter from Merck:

At the bottom of that post, Merck responds they did a search on their internal database and pulled up a number of study abstracts related to side effects from Finasteride.

I have taken the liberty of going through selected abstracts and highlighting the relevant passages.

Even though some of the studies have already been posted on this forum, there is still lots of interesting info in here, including mentions of elevated prolactin after Finasteride usage, and admissions that Merck themselves sponsored or played a role in authoring certain studies – which, in MY opinion, translates to vested interest bias/downplaying adverse effects from the drug, for their own benefit.

Mew, thank you for the time you spent highlighting these studies.