Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier: George Floyd 'could be me'

lol at this hypocrite


Such a scum bag


Frazier should be arrested for all the pain and suffering his company has caused.


All the Big (pig) Pharma’s are same.


There are way more than just him that need to be held accountable.


Devil in disguise like his mate Trump

Trump has PFS.

I know there was one guy who did a peaceful protest outside of Merck’s building by starving himself. But if history has taught me anything it’s that peaceful protests don’t work. I’m really surprised nobody has thought to try otherwise.

I wish it was him

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Hey, if you have time to post I’m sure you have time to take the survey. :slight_smile:

Hi guys, I don’t have any admiration for Ken Frazier but its hurting you (and not him) for you to get upset with him for something that doesn’t even have anything to do with Propecia.

If you care about getting better, and not wallowing in your own self pity, it is very important that you keep these thoughts out of your mind as much as possible. Your goal should be to improve your life as much as possible. You can take revenge later if you want once you improve.

They’re not mates. Frazier embarrassed Trump by basically breaking up his Manufacturing Council in 2017 or so. They’re still both completely lame, but if you want to get better you need to be radically focused on the truth here.