Mental Sides - Conciously "Fix" your own brain

I stopped reading negative news stories and deleted the news apps of my phone. Now I check the news once a day, instead of multiple times per day which wasn’t benefiting me.

Depending on just how much the receptors are upregulated seems to determine the severity of the side effects. The mental ones can range from nothing to wanting to throw yourself off a building everyday after the initial crash.

This is due to the weakening of emotional strength tied to certain areas of the left hemisphere of the brain and its need for specific androgens to really function properly. It would appear I have been able to reactivate much of the areas of my own brain that were shutdown or weakened by the lack of peripheral androgen metabolism.

I feel considerably like my old self. I feel emotions but not as intensely. Especially sadness, pain, anxiety. I wouldn’t say I’m really happy per say but I just feel strong again or stronger since getting hit with this shit. I don’t know if I ever be as strong as I was before all of it. Hard to determine. But I’m strong enough that I don’t feel the constant need for emotional support which was something I clearly noticed upon getting PFS. I felt the need for constant emotional support and human contact which now looking back on it. Really irritates me since before I just didn’t care about “needing” anyone else. I was very social but I didn’t “need” any of it. Now I am somewhat back to where I was but actually prefer to be alone or very selective about who I associate with.

In any event the meditation helped immensely. I have added a new meditation I use that is specifically for activating parts of the left brain hemisphere which seems to have been altered by PFS. Of course the drug kind of “feminizes” us and weakens us. Neurologically what must be done is to strengthen the nervous system. This isn’t a fix but it’s more like teaching body to adapt to the condition even though androgen metabolism may still be broken.

Laziness and apathy are a problem with PFS. I have found constantly looking for ways to better my life through different means seem to help not only psychologically but also existentially. For instance, optimizing my spending habits and developing more efficient, minimalist lifestyle. I spent a few months also doing renovations on my father’s old house doing lots of manual labor restoring the bathroom and exterior. Not only did this make the place look better, but I learned about doing this stuff for future use and it gives one a sense of accomplishment however so small. Which to me it is small given my past professional achievements. If you were somehow who had already built up a impressive resume or credentials before getting PFS. The devastation to your life that PFS causes, like career destruction and relationship destruction can even not considering PFS be extremely detrimental to your mental state. Making rebuilding that much more difficult. Life is a test of strength and adaptability. The only thing you can do is keep trying to pick yourself back up and improve from where you are. Maybe one day we will be able to easily cure this condition through science. But until that time this slow road seems possible to help just in terms of survival.


Now. I don’t like spending much time on here anymore. So if I don’t respond its just because I’m out doing shit. Including trying new things to improve my condition. I suggest everyone do the same to the extent that they can. I posted this a year or so ago now?? Because it has given me more progress than anything else I’ve tried in the years with this condition.


BP7667 - your improvement with binaural beats is very interesting. Of all the things I’ve tried over the years, chanting and breathing are the only ones to have made any difference. I was wondering why you chose the two YouTube clips you have - was there a particular reason for using these ones that you had researched? A brief bit of googling seemed to suggest that delta waves are best for healing

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You’re right. It’s as if I’ve activated a part of my brain that wasn’t as highly accessible before. They say the left side of the body is controlled by the right side, of the brain.

I’t like it’s in reverse now, when i touch something, the part that is mostly registering the response is not the right side of my body anymore, but the left. Just a theory, but I do think something switched up here.