Mens Rea's Battle against PFS.

Mens rea, thank you so much

Fellow irish sufferer here, have one small question I would really appreciate if you could help

my main problems are sexual kike yourself, i cant maintain an erection for more than 20 seconds , is this something you suffered from, and did it get better over time?

A urologist has told me that it could be a permanent venous leak

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Did you check your prostate for calcification or other issue?

Have you ever done the broccoli treatment in order to treat prostata issues? You can find it online.

Hi noprop

I had my prostrate checked by two urologists but only physical checks. They both told me everything felt as it should.

I might try the broccoli treatment if i feel it becomes necessary. Thank you for the suggestion.

Hi Mens Rea!

Sorry to say that, but physical check cannot identify calcification. You need sonography. I did it.

If you have calcification, I know a way out.

Here is the link to solvepfs: … ion#p34549


I searched for calcification and found this, too: nanobacterias causing calcification, also in the prostate. They protect themselves by using calcium as a protective cover. Important: calcification causes inflammation. Step by step.
Bob Klein, MD, mentioned prostate stones.
On a forum - no more existing - someone said “nanobacteria were a calcium bomb”. … 87/3/H1115

So, what to do? Any cure? Yes, there are some possibilities.

A) The drug protocol: This is the protocol of a member who had success.
EDTA (Chelat) erases the protective cover of the nanobacterias.
Tetrazyklin given will destroy the unstealthed nanob.

B) The Kalium Protocol (Potassium)
K1! : broccoli (as mentioned the broccoli protocol), spinach!!!, parsley…
K2: the Soja ferment product “natto”, fermented products in general

[0013] It has also been discovered that high intake of vitamin K can lead to removal of calcified precipitates from blood vessels that have already been affected by pre-existing calcification. This is a new and stunning discovery with great importance for patients with existing artery disease. Implications for the nutrition industry are that vitamin K-enriched foods and food supplements may be developed.

0065] The term “reducing calcification” or reduction of calcification includes decreasing the rate of calcification in and/or on the blood vessel. As used herein, the term “reversing calcification” includes removing pre-existing calcium deposited in and/or on the blood vessel. While the mechanism is not completely understood, it is believed that vitamin K enhances MGP (matrix Gla-protein) to rigorously protects against further accretion of calcium, whereas other proteins or cells (macrophages, osteoclast-like smooth muscle cells, or others) participate in the actual removal of the calcium. Alternatively, MGP’s Gla-residues (formed under vitamin K influence) have some structural resemblance to EDTA, and may act as such to directly dissolve the calcium. Finally, it may be that MGP (through its Gla-residues) may directly bind to the calcium precipitates (as all Gla-proteins do) and exert chemo-attractant activity towards macrophages, which are then thought to remove the calcium-MGP complexes.


Hi guys

It’s been a while.

I’d love to hear of some more recoveries?

I’m doing great guys, I am very blessed with a “gentleman’s family” and my sex drive etc is just as I’d hope it to be.

I believe for the most part my recovery has been 100% natural. Vit d3, zinc and the usual basics are what everyone should do and live clean. Little to no alcohol and get to the gym (don’t overdo it either).

Anyway, hope everyone is well guys. Keep the faith.


Thanks for posting… I can remember reading all your posts a few years ago when I first joined… I’m now 2.5 years off finasteride but still have really bad erection problems, albeit not as bad as the first 6 months coming off the drug, and I have had some improvements… I can’t really take cialis either as I get really bad headaches - I take it the odd time I get lucky but couldn’t take it regularly… I’m hoping my situation will be much better in 2.5 years time which will be the five year mark for me, and hopefully meet someone then and start a family… Congrats on the family and delighted to here you’re doing great