Memory loss-personality

Do you have this feeling that you detached from your past life and you lost your personality
Its fucking hurts man i have to cure myself at any cost
I dont have option i have to fix it or i will die
What i tried:
And i want to buy acetyl l-carnitine and i want to buy immune system suppression medication
What im thinking is:
Its triggers autoimmune disease
Or its damaged hypothalamus
What do you think and what you tried and fixed it
How we have memory loss but in mri everything is fine
Its not depression i can feel it depression is bullshit
For how long you guys want to live like this
That’s enough. nobody can’t help you expect yourself


I’m not saying it will help with memory loss but a crash from finasteride is like a chemical induced PTSD so our body is in trauma and needs time to heal.
Do stuff (natural) that helps tell your nervous system is no longer in danger
I have the feeling of detachment but not as severe now

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I dont have time sadly

If you can tell what should i try tell me thanks

What do you think about pfs?
You think its triggers autoimmune disease?

I dont know what PFS is, nobody truly knows yet although there are some incredibly intelligent people who are studying for us, that’s why it’s important to contribute to research and donate

Some people have had a SPECT scan which is like a deeper MRI but I’m not sure it will show anything up. Also a lumbar puncture to show inflammatory markers in the CSF

The detachment from past life for me comes from the PTSD state from my crash as well as the cognitive symptoms of brain fog and derealization.
Accepting I have this shit condition helps and its somewhat got better

To relax your nervous system naturally there’s so many ways you can Google and read on benefits. Supplements should be weighed up considerably as people can crash. Just last week someone who had almost recovered took ALCAR and had a crazy bad crash .
Before taking any Supplements please please do your research on here and other sources

That was actually one of my worst symptoms, it felt like I didn’t even exist anymore. I lost everything, couldn’t feel anything but a vague sense of doom and sadness all the time. As of typing this everything is back online but I still have the increased memory loss issue, my sexual reactivity and energy also might have a little work but otherwise I’m largely back. I don’t think the brain itself is damaged but in every case there is different things going on that all generally lead to the same umbrella of symptoms. There’s too much variation in what has helped and regressed people. If someone for example tried the supplement stack I’m currently on they might completely crash, if I tried what helped some other people here I would crash. The bubble of what modulates my symptoms the most is immune modulators and antibiotics/virals with vitamin D3 being some master modulator of my symptoms (I can’t rec it, it’s very risky for a lot of us. Every time I use it depending on dose and route of administration I get wildly different effects and unpredictable cascades from them).

What I’m largely dealing with now is the actual PTSD from this whole thing. I’m slowly reintegrating my previous life again and getting things back in order in my life but it’s gonna take a while. Feels like I’m waking up from a 1 year coma/nightmare, I look back and everything after last June is just a sickly blur.

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You mean you accept it and live like a caword?
I dont wanna accept it

Oh i detached from my life and i have memory loss and i cant remember name of famous people and i cant study
Ok let accept it and watch my life :joy:

I’m at the point where I’m enjoying things again but can’t remember what I listened to or watched without seeing visual/auditory presentations of what I did again. I also have this thing where my brain will generally record what happened but I won’t be able to express what happened, I need to be reminded and then I’ll at least recognize the memory progression. It gets weird because I enjoy so much but since my brain doesn’t seem to normally write things to memory I can’t really talk about things I enjoyed too much with people cause the details are too buried in my subconscious. I also won’t remember who you are unless I interact with you very often, if something about someone really stood out to me I get a little more than a vague memory imprint.

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You took one line from my detailed reply and it feels like you are trying to twist my words.

Accepting it means keeping calm and avoiding even more stress which is huge for this condition and has anecdotally worsened people. Obviously I want to recover 100% like you and everyone else, and doing all I can to get there.

As the other poster who has contributed to this thread states, you have to grin and suffer through with time, and If that does not help your baseline then you need to choose to take more supplements which may worsen you.
How long you choose to wait before supplementing is up to you.

I can’t comment on memory loss because among my dozens of symptoms that is fortunately not bad for me.

Sorry you are going through this and I hope you see improvements soon