Member Story Requirement

Earlier in the year, a statement was added to the Forum Guidelines meant to encourage Member Stories from regular participants so that our membership can become familiar with the details surrounding their history of use, time of onset of post-drug symptoms, and range and severity of those symptoms.

This wasn’t meant to be strictly or strongly enforced for “casual” members but fits-in with the idea that the regular participants and those who claim recovery or ask for advice owe it to the other members to thoroughly describe their experience with this condition. Otherwise, what is the point of patient support as one of the grounds for hosting this forum?

Member stories ARE a requirement for those claiming recovery or significant improvement for the aforementioned reasons. Not only does it help legitimize a claim, it helps prevent spam in the form of vague comments from new unknown members such as, “I had the most severe [insert post-drug condition here] and recovered with [link directly to product].”

Who with this condition hasn’t repeatedly become personally invested in claims of recovery, to later discover the supposed recoveree was simply managing only gastrointestinal symptoms a with strict diet, while giving the impression of a full-range of symptoms, still freshly post-drug, still looking for the next treatment because they were not quite as “cured” as their words had indicated, etc… ?

Admittedly, we have no way of answering the nearly-theological debate of recovery with a true/false statement.

This policy regarding member stories should help prevent more needless debate than we already deal with on this forum.