Medications? or No Medicine?

I am interested in hearing from people who either take or dont take antidepressants. I went 6 months recently without any medicine and felt worse than ever! How many of you guys manage to make it with no prescription drugs? Id like to be off these meds one day but every time I try I slip back into deep depression, fatigue, nausea, brainfog, etc. Im now 2 years off id like to be free from these side effects of zoloft and sleeping pills. If not, what medications have worked well for you with PFS?

Zoloft makes penis more limp but virtually cures my brain fog and lack of emotion

Prozac plus Abilify FUCKED me up. I could not sit still or get comfortable at all. Horrible.

Celexa seems to be the best for me, but everyone is different of course.

I do think I’m experiencing some minor libido issues though. Very minor.

I tried Remeron, low dose for sleep but I got bad visual side effects. It was early into my crash so who knows if it was the remeron or not. The side effect did go away after I stopped using it.

Ill probably be getting off these meds soon. I dont want to play with fire all oger again for christs sake. Wish to god I could go back and never take any prescription drugs.

If the drugs are helping why stop? I am having a terrible time dealing with depression and insomnia. If there is something that might help I’m all for it. There doesn’t seem to be a solution for PFS coming anytime soon. In the mean time I’m constantly struggling with staying alive. I can’t seem to enjoy anything right now. Can’t even enjoy a good movie. I need some serious help because I can’t stop thinking about ending this shit.

Join our whatsapp chat if you need any support dude. Just send me your number and download the app. Someone is around 24/7.

In my case, im 2 years off the drug. I can always resume zoloft in the future I beleive I want to see how I do off of it. Looks like you just quit. If you read my posts I was the same way then. I was in a zombie state with no enjoyment. I can say that you WILL IMPROVE in terms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and brain fog. By all means if you want to take something to get you through it I would. It got me back in school, working, internship, working out, new job, I even had a girlfriend. So yea maybe I shoukdve stayed on it lol. I literally thought I was recovered for a while until I got off these meds. Give it time and take what you have to take for the 1st year or so off.

I dont believe antidepressants are anywhere near as destructive as propecia. I mean this shit completely took my manhood and wellbeing. I know many healthy men on antidepressants.