Ever since I was maybe 10 years old, I had a rash on my thighs, buttocks, and inner arms, sometimes even below the belly button. It was discgusting and itchy, like ring worm it looked like. I basically accepted it as normal as It never went away my whole entire life. It would flare up like crazy after playing exercising/sweating, or even taking a shower. I never washed my body with soap my entire life because if I did my skin would react like crazy, on the thighs etc…
As you all know I never took fin/accutane/propecia/ssri. However during summer of 2016 I lost my libido completely, numb genitals, high and tight scrotum, dry eyes, strange body odor, stress incontinence, and all low t symptoms. I now noticed that the rash I have had my whole life that was IMPOSSIBLE to get rid off (12+ years of having it) Ever since these symptoms started the rash is COMPLETELY GONE!!! I told you guys that I went on a crash diet, and ate a shit ton of vegetables. I also mentioned I have not gotten sick in the last 3 years when before I would get the common cold 2-3 times a year.
Im wondering if the “healthy diet” ( I did not eat packaged food for 6 months) if it did something to my immune system? As if my immune system is in overdrive? Maybe it got rid of some bacteria in the gut that it wasn’t supposed to?
I was eating soooo much vegetables my mom told me my skin went yellow… I even got horrible gas and body odor as if it changed something in my body COMPLETELY!! I remember being so happy when this stuff started because I thought I was not getting pimples on the face or greasy skin, because of the diet, but this is just hell now…
Please give your thoughts!?!