Masturbation has caused a SEVERE (sexual) crash

Hey guys, I am going to make full longer post in the member stories section but just wanted to get your take on this matter.

bit of background

  • only 3.5mg of Fin taken
  • Almost 3 months Fin free
  • Virtually all side effects recovered EXCEPT for sexual sides

So essentially, from my 2nd month, i started to make good progress. I had no more sleep issues, mental foginess, energy / mood issues. Great! super happy about it.

I am SLOWWLYY starting to make progress in regards to sexual sides but its extremely up and down. The one last remaining side effect that i am still heavily struggling with is ED and weak erections.

To me this is absolute most hated , most frustrating side. I simply cannot maintain a full 100% erection whatsoever. I also cannot get fully hard without physical touch. Also, i noticed my balls are sitting closer to my body these days. I havent had this side at all since literally 2 months ago so i am a bit scared. I am now considering viagra as an option however i dont know if this will fix the root cause. Is Cialis 5mg everyday benefical for me?

The thing that bothers me is that even my libido is slowly improving compared to 3 months ago. I now crave sex again but my penis doesnt react. The mind-penis connection is weak.
I will note, I was intially improving couple weeks ago BUT i went on a stupid Fapping frenzy and fapped 5 times in 2 days. I believe this caused a major ED crash. not an overall crash but just a straight up ED crash. I am now going on a strict NoFap - NoPorn to correct this. I am really hoping that the my recent ED issues are related directly to fapping/porn habits and not PFS per-se. I am also considering herbs to boost DHT in hopes of stronger erections.

Has anyone experienced this? How did you improve your ED sides? Was ED one of the last sides to recover for you?
How do you KNOW if you are actually improving in this department? How do you test it without Porn?

PS. I did bloodwork, everything normal except slightly low iron. (I had low iron before Fin as well but was able to get fully rock hard without issues)
Also while my TSH is whithin “normal” range. Its slightly on the low end. (meaning almost HYPERthyroidism not HYPOthyroidism)

A urologist I saw said that there’s no evidence that daily cialis is good for penile health (which isn’t to say that it’s bad either [small clarification: feel free to take Cialis to treat your ED, but don’t expect it to heal any structural damage or anything like that.]) I guess you can always look through the forum and see what some people’s experiences have been.

I went through a similar thing where I felt like my libido was more or less at its pre-fin baseline and jerked off a lot for like a week, only to return to my post-fin baseline. Personally, I think it was just a case of my condition fluctuating, and I don’t think that masturbation can cause a crash. I’ve seen people try to say that its bad because it releases brain chemicals or something, but a lot things we do (eating, petting your dog, etc.) also do that, so I doubt it’s a big deal.
Personally, I wouldn’t recommend nofap unless you’re trying to kick Death Grip Syndrome or a porn addiction. I think one of your priorities should be keeping blood flowing to your penis. Erections are good for your penile health. So when you stop having them naturally, you need to make your own. Although if you’re dead set on doing nofap, you can still edge daily.

I’ve definitely seen people who say that their sexual side effects were the last to go, but I also know there’s people here who have mental sides but no sexual sides. In either case, you’re still fairly fresh off of fin, so I’d say you have good reason to keep your chin up.

Try to induce an erection with just your imagination or maybe still pictures.

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Hello thanks for the detailed response.

I agree with everything you said except the masturbation causing crashes.

I have now 100% confirmed that about 10-14 days of fapping (1-2x/day) has caused me a SEVERE crash. But a crash ONLY the erection quality department. I am so grateful that i didnt necessarily crash in other areas but its devastating nonetheless. Its weird cause i still have somewhat of a libido but the ED literally unbearable.

I am going on an extremely strict NoFap/NoPorn in prayers that it will help not only this but major case of deathgrip synd.

I do agree that blood flow is important. I get a measly 70% morning wood for shorts periods of time almost everyday which im HOPING is enough. I am having mixed thoughts about as i basically get no other erection throught the day.

also, have you recovered? how much Fin did you take?

No, but I’m not too bad. I wake up with night/morning wood sometimes. And sometimes I can successfully masturbate with just my imagination. I still have some faith that I can get better one day, and if I don’t, then that I’ll just need ED pills to be at a fairly normal level of sexual functioning.

And I took fin for a month minus one day, and with one missed dose. So I’d say that’s 29 doses of about 1.25 mg.

Update, tried sex for the first time after fin, totally different exprience…
Severe Numbness, took a while to get a measly 6/10 erection. simply would not get erect unless i used a very tight deathgrip… Im thankful at least i could finish but the pleasure feelings werent there.

This is literally destroying me. please help

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How are things today man?
Has anything improved?

I will post an update soon but let’s just say that, Wow! Cialis is some serious stuff.

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