Massive second crash

Has anyone experienced a massive second crash long after the initial? I am in the midst of one right now. This is worst than my initial crash, which was very severe. I’ve been off the drug for almost six months. I haven’t read anyone crashing again at six months.

My body is melting away, testicles are like grapes, penis is completly shrunken and numb, I have developed a layer of fat around my midsection even though I haven’t been eating much, noticing an increase in fat around the breasts. This all in the course of about four days.

I crashed about late April. I started to improve mid/late July for a couple weeks but now Im back to crash level. So , yes.

But, I think maybe its positive that we improved at some point. Maybe our bodies are trying to go back to normal.

Thanks for the positive reinforcement. I am at my worst. I sure hope the sensitivity comes back. If not I’m considering on caving in and going to see crisler.

Yes, I experienced multiple levels of crashes, one with the most intense shrinkage maybe 6-8 months after stopping. It passed. I think what helped me through it was daily light exercise for 30-45 minutes combined with BIOCHEM 100% WHEY PROTEIN POWDER mixed with milk taken right after exercise. This particular protein has L-Arganine and a host of other amino acids.

Wow. I did not know there was the possibility of crashes beyond the initial/initials. I really believe the liver is the problem. This episode kind of open my eyes to that. I didn’t realize how important the liver was with hormone metabolism. The only thing that has changed in my lifestyle over the past 2-3 weeks is an increase in drinking. I am careful when I drink not to have more than a couple, but I’ve done that a lot lately. I guess the liver just can’t handle it at any level in this state.

I feel more toxic now too. I have a weird taste in my mouth. Also, fat layers in the stomach and chest. Estrogen.

Ive been taking an estrogen blocker. Cant really tell if it helps though. Its Calcium D-Glucarate.

Well, Im off for my 1k battery of blood tests now.

Your paying $1000? It hurts to see guys paying so much money because of a shitty drug. I think I am going to have to bit the bullet and pay for some tests myself. If you can get a good set of labs sign up to Meso RX, Anabolic minds and Crisler’s forum, there are guys on there that guide you as well/ if not better than most endocrinologists. With some advice and a little help you could then seek out a medical practitioner and go under his guidance.

I just got back from the blood test. Yes, they said will be very expensive. Could be over $1000. They took about 10 viles from me. So, a thousand bucks for something they probably wont be able to do anything about. Still, I need to know so its worth it. For me right now I’m up to 2k in doctor bills.

what all did u get ordered and who ordered them? i thought u werent seeing a doc for this?

Damn, is that the battery of tests you’re getting for Shippen?

Yes, they are for Shippen. When you make an appointment with Shippen he sends you back the bloodwork order. I have appointments with Shippen and Jacobs. I’m also going to talk to the 2 doctors in Cali (might visit one in person) and then I will make a decision on treatment.

Shippens Lab Request Sheet -

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, SHBG
Testosterone, Total
IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)
Vitamin D, 25 OH total

No Estrogen testing?

I still can’t believe my second crash is worse than number one. Now I know what a lot of the members mean with complete impotence fat gain etc. I guess I was one of the very lucky ones post crash with how my body responded. I must have took it for granted. If I would have known that my system was still so fragile I would have been very careful with my diet etc. the past month. I didn’t know the body could shift so drastically so quick.

I’m definitely canceling Shippen now. You must really be in the money man. I hope things work out for you, and you’re able once again to revel in your luxurious lifestyle. :stuck_out_tongue:

proscarred - yes, Ive been almost completely impotent since crashing again. I did have a couple of erections this morning but I dont even recognize my penis anymore. Feels more stringy and smaller (both flaccid and when errect). Oh, and I dunno why no estrogen testing. I told him I thought I have PFS and thats what he sent me. Go figure.

cantsleep- I gotta be as proactive as I can. I might still be here in 5 yrs posting but I’m gonna try everything I can think of in the meantime.

cantsleep - if your in the usa and a doc orders these test insurance often pays for them. jacobs and mariano often order MORE test then shippen - infact i find this a little light.

Wonderful… more blood tests coming. Hope I dont have to do ALL of them over again for Jacobs. Im guessing that might be the case.


Are you doing anything like weight training? I think the worst thing you can do is sit around and do nothing. also, how is your diet? Are you eating healthy and paying close attention to what you put in your body? Obvisouly I have no idea if your doing any of these things. As difficult as it is to lift weights when you are hurting, it is helpful to increasing muscle and testosterone levels. If you haven’t done so, give it try. Nothing comes easy for us, it’s a lot of work.

Are you sure about that? Studies in this site indicate that weight lifting provides a minimal T boost, and if your muscles are wasting it would probably be counter productive. There comes a point when you have to bring on the big guns. I would love to do a cdnuts tboosting/e lowering /paleo regime but he hasn’t had bad muscle loss. Fuck, I can hardly run.

I tried weight training and I didn’t notice much. I trained very hard for about three weeks after I bounced back 2 months after my first crash. I noticed that my chest would get sore and respond a little bit, but everything else didn’t get sore or respond after working out. I was working out hard too, and taking creatine and protein. I would work my back and biceps real hard and then wake up the next morning and they wouldn’t be sore.

I’m going to do light weight training and buy the whole gamut of supps and rotate them daily a la cdnuts. I am currently on the paleo diet as of last Monday.

I’ve had another massive crash at 20 months off the drug. I can’t believe it. This crash is worse than the initial. Anxiety, brainfog, depression and insomnia have set in as well. I’m wondering how long these crashes can go on. I thought I would not have to worry about anymore crashes at almost two years off the drug. I guess I took it for granted once again. I’m looking for any long term members that have continued to crash long after the initial. Any users who are two years plus off the drug and still get crashes periodically. How bad are they? Has any long term suffers experienced a crash worse than the initial?