Hey all, I just came across this chronic prostatitis and CPPS forum with a lot of good information on it. The forum looks almost identical to ours!
This is the “success stories” section, and there is a long list of people here who are curing their prostate related problems and symptoms!! chronicprostatitis.com/forum … um.php?f=5
Basicly every single person on this (finasteride)site suffers from prostatitis symptoms. Prostattitis is a condition and malfunction, congestion and disease of the prostate, something wrong with the normal function of the prostate, people know little about.
We took a drug that damages and alters the prostate, stops it from functioning normal, then we all suffer from prostatitis symptoms.
Where are you not making a connection.
I’m not ignoring the fact hormone levels are affected by finasteride, but many people who have hormones within range now, still have prostatitis like symptoms.
I think… my theory is, that because we were all affected by something finasteride does to your prostate first, When your prostate gets inflamed or irritated it then affects its surroundings. It starts pressing up against the bladder, hence the urinary symptoms we’ve all had, it also starts pressing up against the rectum, when this close contact is made, interstitial fluid and the lymph system is not flowing properly because of inflammation in the area, bacteria and viruses from the excretory system can then infect the prostate and its surroundings through osmosis and all the irritation and semipermeable membranes which all just get infected. It has no way to get out. I don’t know about you but I can get all afffected down below based on what I eat, and how relaxed I am. These are all prostatitis like symptoms. Congestion in the prostate. Most people’s hormone levels are fine.
You ever get heartburn and you feel it in your throat and stomach.?!
Again, I can pick out most people on this site who suffer from prostatitis like symptoms, or symptoms of a prostate problem.
Boston, I’m didn’t say I’m not making the connection! I said the following in my original post:
“Regardless, if you did get Prostatits from Finasteride use then this is definitely a good place to discuss further treatments, etc”
Yes, Finasteride did affect our prostates while on the drug, that much is a given. But this does not necessarily mean that every single person who has taken Finasteride is now experiencing Prostatitis in some form.
For example, when I came off the drug I had a brief period 2 weeks after quitting for 5 days where I had returned to 100% normal. Then my system crashed. I can say with certainty that this brief recovery period was completely hormonal, as was my rapid decline in function from that point forward.
In other words, although I do believe Prostatits may in fact become a chronic problem for some men after using Finasteride, it is not the sole issue. So don’t get go getting yourself all into a fit 8) – I DO see the connection and am glad you brought this forum to our attention. For those of us that continue to experience such symptoms, it will definitely be of help.
I agree that tackling our post-Finasteride issues may require a multi-faceted plan that covers hormones, neurotransmitters, and Prostate, but every person’s case is different and so they must make the judgement call as to what they need to try and fix.
Hope that explains it, I’m not here to get into arguments about “maybe its this, maybe its that”. You presented some great info, its appreciated, and for those that want to use it, they will.
Boston, have you been diagnosed with prostatitis? If not, why don’t you see a urologist to see whether you have prostatitis or not? Although prostatitis may be the cause of your symptoms it doesn’t make much sense to invest a lot of time into prostatitis cures if you haven’t been diagnosed with prostatitis.
Haven’t you done all the reading Josh? I have posted a lot up here. I know you are young, but you are in law school and must be a very good reader.
Prostatitis is a very difficult and obscure condition to diagnose and treat. You can read it all over, everywhere, and all over the web.
No I haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet.
As you know, modern medicine can fail us sometimes, just as you have found noone knows or can treat us with anything regarding this Propecia problem.
Dude, I just know I have a problem with my prostate. Its obvious to me.
When I am relaxed and in bed, or when I eat broccoli for days I am much better.
Also, my ejaculate volume is fucked up.
My prostate is fucked up, I don’t need a doctor to tell me that.
There are many forms of prostatitis, and it can be caused by many different things, bacterial, a-bacterial, or other. Haven’t you read all the stuff. Even the stuff from all those so called “quack doctors” still it seems they know what they are talking about.
To me it just all makes sense.
I hope I get a diagnoses sometime, otherwise I may just find myself on a plane sometime soon going to China.
Dude, I want to get cured.
What I am really really trying to do now is the “walking cure” is what I’m gonna start calling it. I have been reading all over the internet, men who have cured and/or improved their prostatitis, of various types, through walking extensively for long long periods of time. i.e. like 6-10 miles per day or 5 days a week for a few weeks.
See the prosate is in a peculiar place which prevents it from healing easy. It doesn’t get much blood flow, it is housed by excretion, which makes it very suseptible to infections through membranes. Do all your reading bro, and then ask me if I want to go on a week long hiking trip with you, and I will say ok.
Btw, josh, I understand what you are going through, with school and all. I am in the same boat. Dude, I should have my degree in my hand already, I am ten credits away, although I have been just so deeply depressed that almost nothing else matters to me now than just getting better, because I mean, what good is life if I don’t have my health, you know what I mean.
So I have told my parents look I don’t care, btw, I would tell your parents its the best thing I ever did, “I’ll take time off from school, I need to heal this before it becomes a chronic chronic persistent condition that I don’t want my body to get used to. I don’t care about anything else right now but getting better.” Because this is a terrible terrible disease, you know what I mean.
All my stuff is in storage now, and I am trying to find the right time to take off. I want to hike the “Long Trail” or something else. I want to walk and walk and walk until this condition improves and this flushes from my system. I can’t just lie here, sit here, and run around in this city, in this “rat race” any longer because I am not getting better this way.
Look man, I will NEVER be happy unless I have my health back, you know what I mean. So I can’t wait for some doctor who may or may not have a cure. I will continue going to doctors, as I will not give up on Western medicine, I still think they have a lot to offer, as I will be getting a full complete semen analysis in a couple days, to find out if “they” can at least detect something is wrong, because btw prostate conditions can cause fertility problems just look hard enough and you will find the info. Also though, in my mind, a lot of this too is also just the body repairing itself,and so I need to encourage the body to do so.
You ever been depressed man, really really depressed? Or even manic they sometimes call it, where you think you are holding it together, but still if you ever had the opportunity you would just explode, thats called being manic, when you almost too depressed to cry or even realize it. Well, your body starts to shut down when it is like that. I have broken out, had back problems, chronic fatigue, urine problems, when I am just so so worried and depressed. It like shuts down your nervous system, and can constrict your blood flowm slow your breathing.
Dude, contact me when you are ready to take charge or your health and are ready to go on a journey man.
Mew, prostatitis is a very loosely used term. There are so many possibly different causes, if you really look into it, its one of urology’s biggest mysteries! People can have prostatitis and BPH and be diagnosed with both at the same time, right after coming from a doctor who says you have prostate cancer. What I’m saying is its not necessarily a “confirmed” prostatitis, but just a fucked up prostate.
These are all just malfunctioning and bogginess, or inflammation or infection of the prostate and also often surrounding tissues.
Of course cancer is then confirmed by the growth of other foreign cells, (which by the way can be reversed, do you believe that?)
Anyway, this can all be caused by an autoimmune response which then is hard to improve or reverse, this is my recent theory! Think about hemroids, or a chronic sinnus infection, and or a chronic chronic rash which just perpetuates and won’t go away, but sometimes gets worse, the body keeps flaring up, well this is in one of the most problematic locations in the entire human body. This could be a negative AUTOIMMUNE RESPONSE.
This is for all of you to consider.
Boston, go to the following website: www.rawandjuicy.com this is a website about a woman who screwed her hormone system by taking some birth control shots. Many of her symptoms resemble those of finasteride, read about her story in depth, download her e-book for free and take a good read on it and comment on that.
Guillermo, I checked that website and downloaded the e-book.
This is just my personal opinion: Some overall good info on health and fitness, eating healthy etc… but that site is a classic example of a marketing-type website with content designed to have the reader purchase a product.
The e-book is really over-the-top, seems to be more about scaremongering more than anything else (ie, “you’re being poisoned by the air!”, “you’re being poisoned by the water!” etc etc and then offers her solutions as to how to fight this). In some ways its almost laughable, to me at least.
Regardless, some of the info is valuable from a healthy lifestyle perspective but honestly, I don’t see why you think eating a raw food diet will cure us, just because some woman wrote a marketing-type website about birth control causing her health problems (and how she was able to reverse them via food etc). Who knows if that’s even all true?
One must always maintain a critical eye of information, particularly when its geared to sell or promote a certain way of thinking. Keep that in mind when reading… but at the same time of course, keep an open mind to some of the positive health/food/lifestyle changes she is trying to promote (a good thing)… just my two cents.
Mew, you are SO set on thinking this is JUST a hormone problem, and I honestly think you are honestly in denial or something.
And btw, I just picked up the lab slip today for another round of blood tests i will be getting done before I depart for my trip, and my student health insurance runs out in August, so I want to get it done. I will be seeing a Naturopathic Doctor as well on Monday afternoon for an hour, so I will see if he has any input for what to do, and for before I get the blood panel work, probably I will go for bloods Tuesday morning.
(Then depart for my LONG trip Wednesday)!
Anyway, Guillermo, that raw food diet is right down my alley actually. Thank you for finding that story. I think you are searching in the right place too. That is what I think I maybe need to do, as well as prostate massage, to get past this. which btw I just started talking with this girl off craigslist who I hope can help, I found her posting under the “erotic services” section when I typed ‘prostate massage’.
Anyway, I am trying very very hard to beat this condition. I think its a prostate “shock” and congestion now. I think fin caused me a prostate problem, which as it took a while to where off, it got infected at the time, because it was not … glanding, pumping, or whatever, being used, so it just got infected, and congested.
(I don’t know if any of you understand this, I know its an unconventional way to describe this, but I thought its the best way to get my point across.)
Anyway, I thought the website was inspiring, because that is what I DO need to hear.
Although, I couldn’t really find “the recipes” and “foods list” she was talking about.
Maybe this is what Mew is talking about??
What is she trying to sell on there Mew?
To me it just looked like a networking to her raw foods… life, and also other groups she knows about…
Anyway, no offense anyway, I just know this is all frustrating anyway!!
I’m sorry. Its all just crazy!
Wrong, wrong, WRONG! I never said this is strictly a 100% hormonal problem for EVERY SINGLE person here.
Some guys might only have prostate issues, others may have only hormonal imbalances, others may have both or more… the fact is Finasteride’s method of action works in a variety of domains (neurosteroids, hormones, physical changes to Prostate etc) and thus treatment may require a multifaceted approach for SOME of us… even I recognized this in my OWN postings! ie, propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=663
I don’t get how you think I DON’T recognize the prostate as being a factor in things, I’m just saying its not necessarily the ONLY issue as you seem to think for some of us.
I have posted numerous studies about how Finasteride’s principle method of action is to reduce DHT in the Prostate, which causes involution via cell aptosis (death).
I have also posted studies (ie, in “Sexual Side Effects” section and "Other Studies section) correlating that after radical prostatectomy (prostate removal), some men find they have decreased genital sensitivity, penile shrinkage, ED, decreased ejaculate etc… all symptoms many of us can identify with.
It’s thus not hard (for me anyway) to make a probable connection between the experiences of Prostatectomy survivors and those of Finasteride users that experience prostate involution and resultant sexual dysfunction – since you are essentially killing your prostate/prostatic nerves while on Fin.
The only thing she is trying to sell is a hardcopy of her book, which if you don’t care about isn’t an issue since she gives away the e-book for free. However, what I am more critical of is the manner in which the content was written - straight Internet marketing style, with scaremongering and misc facts thrown in to justify things… while there may be truth in some of it, a lot of it just seems like over-the-top sensationalism to get you to believe what she’s saying, so she can convince you to follow her raw diet methods (and there’s nothing wrong with eating a raw diet!!! ).
ANYWAY - this whole thread is getting off topic and I think I’ve said what I need to. Yes Boston, I believe the Prostate could be a factor for many of us, even possibly Prostatitis thanks to Fin trapping bacteria in a shrunken prostate – but I also don’t think its the only answer for some of us that have additional/other issues like hormonal imbalances.
I’ll leave it at that, let’s keep this thread productive instead of argumentative! Cheers,
If u ever run out of cures for treating the prostate u can try freakuanzy medicine (dont know what its called in english maybe kvantum medicine?) its really big in norway and is used in france etc. they hook u up to a bunch of wires and computers and messure everyhing in yr entire body on a cellular level or so they claim.
When i did this she told me i had had prostatitis but i did not anymore this was some months ago. She also told me that my testosterone level was in range (labtests say they were within range on total testosterone but not on bioT). She told me the only thing she could find was low seratonin and inflamation in the gut/intestines. Otherwise i had perfect numbers as far as she could tell. I however talked her into stimulating test production as best she could and to do whatever she could for my prostate. Next day i went to pharmacy to get saw palmetto cause my prostate was sore haha. Im a big sceptic to things like this but something had definetly happned. At that point i had not had a sore prostate for a really long time and it was so sore it forced me to goto pharmacy, even walking there hurt. Next day it dident feel as strong and went back to normal within the next days. What really happend, i dont know, but something sure did happen! She claimed she had cured 1 guys prostatitis b4 with a single session. She said my response was interesting and could possibly have been a case of gettin worse before u recover. I just found it really interesting i reacted to this at all, as it in my book was complete vodoo. She wants to work on my “sluggish” pituary (her words) and intestines. I will try this if my current doctors cant figure it out as i think it might be worth a shot.
Oh yes, oh yes, completely!
So you say she gave you a prostate massage then? What was it that made you flare up??
Well, it is typically known that after a prostate massage people usually do get a little sore and things flare up a bit for a day, but thats because the stuff congesting it has been released from tiny nodules in the prostate that have been blocked off and that are in effect whats been keeping the prostate boggy and congested! This is good though, but often then it can take numerous and regular massage sessions to start seeing the positive results. I would do it. This is what I have been reading about lately.
And by all means, it’s hard to find someone who will eagerly, or even willingly for that matter, massage your prostate, so i would definately try to work with her, and at least give it a try! IMO
Because check it out, people with no blockages in their prostate do not have flare-ups after a prostate massage.
So in this case, now you know that something is infecting your prostate, so part of the healing process will first be lossening that stuff up, so that then maybe it can be drained from your prostate.
Try this too! Go on a 2-3 hour walk, maybe around a track for a long long while, then go in for her treatments, because things will already be moving a bit.
Anyway, sorry to go on and on like I do sometimes, but I would try it!
Sounds like she has some ideas for helping you, and cares, which is the good thing. Cool news man!!
Prostate problems are definately terrible, and I am aware they can sometimes be life long, but also people do recover completely from them.
I don’t think you should talk about Fin “Killing” cells in the prostates. Its more likely to be just the shock and awe! Its like when a heart stops, sometimes it has to be reawaken, if that makes sense, i.e. CPR.
So as for the prostate, the prostate is a living essentially breathing gland that when it is normal is constantly expanding and contracting a little, getting flushed with fluids, and soft and healthy, with “flow” through it.
But sometimes it gets clogged (like you said) and just has to be worked on. Its also a muscle and so can get atrophy.
I would stop talking about this “cell death” shit, it just makes people breakout in shivers.
Honestly, for a while I just had to stop reading your posts, because every single one was so pessimistic. Have some hope!
And i’m not trying to be an ass Mew. I know you have done a hell of a, hell of a, helluva lot of work on this site, you have compiled piles and piles of informative data, and try to help anyone, and everyone, almost diligently with great response time, and with great detail and efficiency and care, and we all appreciate that, and notice that. Thank you. You are a very nice and intelligent guy. I mean that. I can tell.
But still, just try thinking positively, and try giving hope, and try not to be SO CYNICAL. Even if you think it, don’t say it. Some of what you say is just counter productive sometimes. and makes you just want to curl up in a ball and cry. When you act like “cells are dead” Fin ruined us. Whats the point, you know what i mean, some things just shouldn’t be said.
Also because they are just not true.
This is my opinion. I’m sorry if others don’t see eye to eye with me.
Most every other report I’ve ever read that is Anti-Propecia away from this site just says that it messes with some men’s prostates.
Dude, this can be reconditioned!
Have some hope! Even after two years!
Although the earlier the better, so this is why I am saying this here. I think it is important for people to know about this sort of thing right away, because then they will have less of a chance of the prostae getting really blocked up.
Anyway, sorry for the post>>
… So wait a second here Boston, now let me get this straight… you are asking me NOT to talk about the scientific, proven truths regarding Finasteride’s method of action? You want me to ignore all the evidence that has taken me literally a year to find, read and compile in the Finasteride and Other studies sections? Are you honestly suggesing I do that? If so I don’t see why you are even here, it’s almost as bad as defending the drug and Merck themselves – no offense.
That’s what this whole website is about, particularly the Finasteride Studies section – to expose the truth of how this drug harmfully effects men. If you’d rather not hear about it then you are in the wrong place.
You say what I post is counterproductive… really, to what? To recovery? Please, whatever Fin did to each of us is in the past. And that’s precisely why we need resources like those studies that show us the truth about how this drug REALLY works, so we can try and reverse engineer whatever it did and try treatments that will address our Fin-related issues.
So for you to tell me I’m being cynical, I disagree completely. I’m simply quoting from studies which anyone can read and “get shivers from” in the Finasteride Studies section. You claim what I say isn’t true? Read the studies, they are scientific PROOF, not opinions. If trying to figure out how this drug effected people makes me a cynical bastard in your eyes, then so be it, but it’s not going to stop me from hunting for a cure using scientific fact.
I am not trying to say its the end of the world for us, or that recovery is impossible, far from it – I’m just trying to understand the mechanisms by which these problems can occur thanks to Fin. Most of what we discuss on here is theoretical anyway, since we’re not doctors or scientists… we’ve only got the knowledge we can gain from the scientific studies (and books, as you have read) handy.
Yes I know the Prostate can heal, there is even a study about androgen-induced regrowth of a rat prostate after Finasteride treatment in the “Other Studies” section about this – that should give everyone hope!
And I know for a fact when I was on Fin I could literally FEEL my Prostate shrinking inside me, like a hard prune. But since quitting it has gradually expanded and feels normal again, and I have seen some changes in semen volume and consistency for the better, slowly but surely that have gone along with this over the past 20 months.
Anyways enough of this arguing. Might I suggest reading and let us know the conclusions to those books… point form would be great.
And this section is supposed to be about recoveries, not us arguing. I’ve said all I have to say, let’s not continue this ridiculous argument – we’re all looking for answers so let’s work together on it otherwise this thread might have to be locked if it continues to get so off topic… take it easy man.
Dude, this is a discussion over Prostatitis, and inflamed prostates recoveries, just what the link suggests. I don’t think this is off topic. I think its actually a perfect place for it.
Tiny rats (plural) prostates prob showed cell death, at what you say, high high doses of Fin. Thats not what happened to us men, especially to some of us who only took it 3-4 weeks, I just highly doubt it Mew.
So are you tellin me that you don’t ever feel like there’ is any blockage down between your legs?
This is a topic which YOU yourself replied to! How easily you forget.
Really, no changes to the prostate happen once you start taking Finasteride for only 3-4 weeks, eh? You really don’t think Finasteride can act that fast on the Prostate?
Ok, so if you believe 3-4 weeks isn’t enough time for the drug to start shrinking your prostate, at what point DOES prostatic involution begin to take place?
Please tell me your opinion, despite what the graphs on page 3 of the first study linked above show. Despite what you think, you’ll notice that the drug begins to act on the Prostate almost immediately and within 6 DAYS there was already reduction happening in tissues.
Within the 3-4 weeks that you claim “Thats not what happened to us men, especially to some of us who only took it 3-4 weeks”, you’ll see there is indeed further reduction. By 3 months, a severe reduction in the percentage of epithelial cell width and duct width had occured.
In other words, the drug works on the prostate very fast. Need I also remind you that a single dose of the drug reduces serum DHT up to ~65% within 8 hrs, and it can take up to a week for DHT to return to baseline from a single dose?
I’m not here to debate this with you, this info has been proven in numerous studies. Wether you choose to accept the facts over your “beliefs” is another story.
No, there isn’t any “blockage down between my legs”.
As I said in my previous post, my Prostate has reverted from (what felt like at the time) being a shrunken hard prune in the lower part of my abdomen while I was on the drug for 11 months, to now 20 months off feeling back to normal size.
PS: Personally I don’t think you’ve even read half the studies posted on this forum. If you had, you wouldn’t be making such uninformed comments like “3-4 weeks isn’t enough time for Finasteride to do anything” and we wouldn’t be sitting here having this pointless conversation… ESPECIALLY since some guys got SIDE EFFECTS within DAYS (not weeks) of starting the drug (self included).