Mandatory flair next to username showing which drug?

Reading these posts can sometimes be dizzying, with one thing working for somebody and causing and opposite reaction in somebody else.

While I know the theory is that all these drugs are acting in similar manners on us, perhaps it is not entirely true.

Would it be possible to put a MANDATORY flair next to each persons username (they would have to choose) of the substance they believe to have affected them?

That way if something works for somebody, doesnt work for somebody else, but works for another person, we can compare if there is a correlation in the type of drug showing success/failure.

Just a thought.


I think there are a few things that are more pressing than this at the moment.

Fortunately, you can click on a member’s name and see the substance that brought them here already. I would advise caution (as is my default position) when looking for why a supplement / diet / something else hasn’t recovered a person. As far as I’m aware, the substance that brought someone here hasn’t been defining in what has helped anyone.

I’d also urge people to not compartmentalise this condition. We need as much community as we can muster. I don’t want to see this sort of thinking leading to people telling each other that they are or aren’t eligible for a particular thing based on the substance they were exposed to.

We are all, men, women, young and old dealing with a condition triggered by a variety of substances and we believe that once the condition is better understood, that it will be clear that we are all dealing with the same disruption, irrespective of the drug we were exposed to.