Merk depend on us keeping our mouths shut and not creating attention to this cause. They will keep destroying lives while they can.
We got fucked over by them and their deception. We need to fight back.
Rather than waiting around for some courrupt main stream media to cover this, which are probably taking advertising money from MERCK.
We need to take this into our own hands.
- Create a YouTube account if you do not already have one.
- Click upload video - Record from cam.
- Tell everyone your story and how this drug fucked you over.
- Add the important keywords to the heading like.
- ‘My experience with Propecia’
- ‘Using propecia to cure hairloss’
- ‘My experience treating hairloss with propecia’
- ‘Results on Propecia’
- Add keywords such as
“hair loss” propecia finasteride “male pattern baldness” proscar DHT hairloss “treating hairloss”
Upload. I have already got 40= views on my video in a couple of days. If we could create 100 videos we could get thousands of views evey day.
Stories from real people and seeing peoples face on cam really adds to this. They can see a real person has been fucked up and its not just some post on a MSG board.
If you are scared to show your face for some reason aim your webcam at your hairline that will get a lot of clicks from people looking for hairloss remidy.
In my opinion sharing your story and your face is the best thing you can do, if for some reason you do not make it though this shit. There will be video testimony of what you were going though.
If we remain quiet Merck have won the battle. You owe know what this shit is like and you can protect others by doing this.
Here is my video -
A bit out of sync because of the program I used to add in the extra video clips. You do not need to do anything so elaborate as this. Just share your story.
Send me a MSG once you do it I will give you a like.
If you work for Merck and are reading this and try to do anything to counter this I hope you burn in hell.