Maculopathy, Macular Degeneration, PSSD/PFS

Hi all,

A few days ago I did the OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) eye exam. There is liquid in the right eye, and with this eye I see badly blurred and wavy, the colors I can not focus them well, Monday I have an emergency appointment with an ophthalmologist, I’m really worried this time. I have reacted very badly to drops to control eye pressure, but the problem seems to be of a different nature. To save the vision of the right eye, the left fortunately seems healthy I am willing to do anything. I’ll probably have to do intravitreal injection of medications able to stop neovascular growth (anti-VEGF drugs), one thing that worries me is that before and after the procedure generally are used fluoroquinolone antibiotic eye drops, I will try to ask for eye drops with different antibiotics.

It is incredible to develop a similar pathology at such a relativity young age, generally it is something that occurs around 65/70 years. Since I have PSSD, I have progressively become a young man in the body of an old man.

I have PSSD since December 2013, almost 8 years ago. I have a great passion for bodybuilding, and for the first three years I was able to train quietly, then came the third degree hemorrhoids that made me stop, I went from 80 kg of solid muscles for 1.74 cm height to 67 kg. Now has also arrived this problem in the macula, it can also be a sign that after the PSSD my blood thins and flows badly, there could be a clotting problem.

I post here some articles on vision problems, and macular degeneration from SSRI

Finasteride induced ocular toxicity.

I experienced a crash about 6 months ago (have had PFS for 2 years now.) Since my crash I’ve had eye floaters and increasingly blurry vision.
I’m 66 years old and have worn glasses all my life, but these two symptoms started specifically after my crash.
Guess I need to find an ophthalmologist.

I think this is related to GABA-A overactivation by something.

How did you reach that conclusion?

I think I somewhere read Allopregnanolones effect on Macular Degranation. But im not so sure about that anymore

cant find my notes anymore. i just remember reading about allopregnanolone and saccadic eye velocity… GABA was involved too. maybe im wrong here and macular degeneration was just ROS

Edit: I dont think it was allopreg, allopreg was just involved in saccadic eye velocity.

I think the macular degeneration is just the after effect of increased ROS / inflammation from immune response

your ROS is probably sky high, from x source, I would check for any chronic infections, heavy metals etc…

Yes It also appears that lowering of androgens can cause macular degeneration.

I have been to the ophthalmologist, he believes that I not have maculopathy but I have Central serous chorioretinopathy.

He says the fluid on the retina should reabsorb on its own in two to three months. In the meantime he has prescribed me a supplement that appears to have a very bad flavonoid for our condition, Trouxetine, it is the same flavonoid that harmed the user Demon? it is in a very low 50mg dose. Do you think I could take this supplement? I’m afraid if I don’t take it I might lose my eye

I have a fear to take this, but I have a fear also for my right eye

Any advice?

I hate this condition so much.

it seems as if all substances are anti-androgenic, not just Finasteride, saw palmetto and SSRIs. It seems we can’t even cure serious health problems.

I think I will also consult another ophthalmologist, it is very difficult to explain that you cannot take a banal supplement of flavonoids and vitamin B. When I say such a thing, doctors tear their eyes apart and take me for a fool. Even my family thinks I’m crazy, to refuse a supplement to help reabsorb the fluid in my retina.

I can’t advise for or against, but I wonder if that supplement really will help your eye.

Interesting that is decreased glutamate and increased gaba in rats though. As many of us seem to have an increase of in exiatory neurotransmitters, and a decrease in inhibitory (insomnia etc).

Thank you for the advise Cbrandel. There is no certainty or evidence that this supplement can improve my eye. It was only strongly advised by the ophthalmologist for my condition.

I have Central serous chorioretinopathy and third degree hemorrhoids, this shows that I have a large capillary fragility, and in theory bioflavonoid supplements, can help to strengthen veins and capillaries, but this is a theory it is not scientifically proven beyond any doubt. However, even a lowering of androgens does not seem to be good for eye problems, so I have to be very careful. With Central serous chorioretinopathy I absolutely have to avoid corticosteroids.

Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC), is another rare disease like PSSD / PFS. I note that ophthalmologists are similar to psychiatrists and dermatologists know very little about this pathology. It can be caused by cortisone and I have to avoid this drug forever, for me who suffer from severe hemorrhoidal pathology, it will be very hard to cure practically with cortisone and flavonoids. probably I not survive much longer. I feel my life is coming to an end, I have this serious eye condition and I cannot follow doctors’ prescriptions.

I’m going to see another ophthalmologists on Monday for know if I can take another supplement.

I feel really shit like I’ve never been in my life

I will probably have to take Eplerenone, a diuretic similar to Spironolactone, but with less hormonal affinity. Sure it’s shit that can make me crash but I have to take it if I want to try to get this liquid absorbed in the eye. It currently appears to be the only drug treatment for CSR (Central serous chorioretinopathy).

Better to worsen PSSD / PFS than to go blind.

But I feel that I will probably die or go blind, I think this is all the fault of the oxybuprocaine drops, used by the old ophthalmologist to check the eye pressure during a normal visit to change the eyeglass gradation. Since then I have started to feel very ill