M T F Tansgernder on T

You are a hypochondriac, you never had PFS.

Tim1911- honestly dont be an ass, I am being serious. Why am I getting better? Yes I have all the major symptoms, veins curved penis, thinking lower legs and arms, red dry face etc. Testosterone last measured equally that of a 90 year old etc.

And even if I dont have PFS, why do others get better?

Desensitization to allergens is definitely possible. It’s actually a method of treating some allergies, including hormone allergies (read up on treatment to autoimmune progesterone dermatitis). With what medicine knows about the immune system, it definitely seems possible, even likely, that continued exposure to the allergen could lead to desensitization in some cases.

Also, lots of autoimmune disorders permanently respond to immunosuppression. That is, transient immunosuppression can often lead to continued tolerance even when the immune system is no longer being suppressed. This would explain the few people who seem to have gotten totally better after using an immunosuppressant for a limited amount of time.

I honestly am not trying to get you to believe me with this. I just yet to hear any compelling argument for why this isn’t autoimmune in nature.

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mehhhhh :

"I don’t find engaging in these forum wars very stimulating but I really do have to say that I find it odd how individuals attempt to discredit the autoimmune theory with statements like “I can grow body hair” or “my hair is still falling out” as though these statements somehow say anything definitive about anything at all. An allergy to DHT would not lead to the halting of ALL androgen action (neither would an allergy to 5ar). "

Most of US were fine for a period on FIN while we were actively inhibiting our 5ar. Many were totally fine for years. Even up to 10 years. So we know a lack of 5ar does not result in pfs or we would have got it from our first couple of pills.

“People on here talk about the lack of “electricity” in their groin when sexually stimulated.” Most people have done little testing so they can make these theories that have little basis. Anyway I have no electricity at all down there. But I can bring it back and I have brought it back to a point where it was stronger than ever in my life. I wanted to pay for sex.

“The idea that high estrogen or low testosterone has caused the veins in my penis to be continually dilated is absurd (related tangent - the way in which transgender people were discussed in one of the above posts was one of the more ignorant things I’ve read lately).”

It is not absurd it is perfectly reasonable estrogen makes your penis shrink up and feel cold it blocks androgen action on a number of levels.

“But beyond that, the immune theory is literally the only explanation proposed that is even remotely plausible given what we know about PFS (or really, given what we know about human biology in general).”

All the theories in it being in autoimmune depend on faith like religiouns. No one has come up with any rational explanation. I ask them so WHAT is the body attacking that results in our symptoms and hormonal profile. No one can give me a straight answer at all.


"Please answer this, why is my mental acidity getting better, why is my brain/penis connection getting better, why is my skin less dry every 2-3 months, why are my nocturnals/am/spontaneous erections getting better, why do I have sexual thoughts and fantasies almost all the time when a year ago I would have one every 2-3 weeks. "

Why? WHy do people recover? Because the root problem is improving. This does not help us much.

“Mehhhh- just wait until u see the results of the fMRI studies. I can almost guarantee that our brain metabolism has been altered. Your jaws will drop. I’m actually done arguing theories here.”

Of course it is likely we have problems here. I would say that everyone with hormonal problems would have changes in this area.

“(read up on treatment to autoimmune progesterone dermatitis)” I have read it. And women have been cured by removing their ovaries. Hormones can overstimulate the immune system and lead to autoimmune problems like ACNE. When hormones go back to normal the problems are solved. autoimmune progesterone dermatitis only happens when there hormones are our of balance.

Who got better besides the lawyer?

Ten year old topic.

You might not get a response.