Low testosterone - feel better

I just wanted to share my discovery, but you guys maybe are familiar with this fact.
After I stopped using fin my testosterone levels both free and total was unnaturally high: above 1000 and above 45(free). It stayed like that few months and later slowly declined. I know all that stuff cause Im making blood test every month. Around september my testosterone returned to my pre fin levels (around 550ng), but sometimes it jumped to 800 without any reason and when it happens I felt like a crap.
One month ago for the first time in my PFS state (I have it since end of feb 2020) my total testosterone drops to 400. And I felt a boost in libido and energy. Now Im totaly mentally recovered, no sleep problems, and no longer have that feeling of complete exhausted.

I had somehow artificially eleceted levels of testosteorne for few months without a reason, and now I feel better on lower testosteorne than my pre fin baseline. How is that possible?

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If you ever find out … :slight_smile:

But plenty of people with PFS benefit from low T.

Probably your body was not utilizing T before so it went higher, now body is using it so it came down and you started feeling better.