Hi, just my story in short. I took Finasteride from 2004 to 2005. Never recovered from it. I can get him hard. But have no libido, histamine intolerance and lots of mental issues. Did not know pfs is a thing until 2018 ish. My testosterone was on a high level. My DHT as well. I dont know about LH and FSH. Never got tested for it before I started my “experiments”.
So, in 2020 I decided to follow the HCG protocol from Joekool for 13 weeks. Did not work for me. So I said fuck it and jumped on TRT for 6 or 7 months. Did not do anything either. So I quit in August and did a proper 4 weeks PCT with Clomid. İt’s been 4-5 months now since the pct but I still feel like shit. There was a fundamental shift. I was way better before HCG and TRT. I feel anxious all the time. My boners are not as hard as pre treatment anymore. 3 weeks ago I had a 10 days recovery of libido that made me think ok maybe I start to recover. But now it’s bad again.
So, to my question. My T levels are almost back to pre HCG levels.
This was before I took anything:
This was during HCG mid December 2020:
I have a test 6 weeks after PCT but no photo on my phone right now. But in the next picture you can see the values from the last test on the right side. As you see, pretty much the same as in October 2021.
And this is from today, 4-5 months after PCT. Is my LH and FSH not too low? What to do about? Do another PCT? Or maybe I have some pituary tumor or whatever, I did not got checked for it yet.
But how is it possible my T is on a good level while LH and FSH is so low? Should my T not be low as well with these LH and FSH levels?