Hey guys,
I’m still sweating a lot when eating and feel like shit. plus my testicles are still aching daily. I had some results from Medichecks, does it look like my low free t could be the cause of my problems?
DHEA 5.06 umol/l (0.44 - 13.40)
Follicle Stim Hormone 3.01 iu/l (1.50 - 12.4)
Luteinsing 7 iu/l (1.7 - 8.6)
Free Testosterone. 0.375nmol (0.30 - 1)
Testosterone 18.2 nmol/l (7.6 - 31.4)
Sex Horm Binding Glob 31.5nmol/l (16 - 55)
Free Androgen Index. 57.78 ratio (24 - 104)
17 - beta Oestradiol. 97.2pmol/l (0 - 191.99)
DHT 0.720nmol/l (0.34 - 2.06)