Low dose Prozac

What came first: the chicken or the egg?
What I mean is: did the person get depressed because he is struggling with having PFS and therefore his brain is not producing “enough” allo compared to nondepressed people?
OR, is the person not producing enough allo because finasteride/PFS reduces/blocks at least one of the two enzymes that are needed to create allo inside the brain, which leads downstream to a depressive state?

Sorry, but the truth about SSRI’s is so horrific most people wouldn’t even believe. Drug companies only have to have 2 successful clinical trials to proceed so they keep on repeating untill they get the results they want. The truth is not only are placebos more effective, more people die from suicides while on them. Drug companies have been successfully sued for this therefore there is now a black box warning on the box warning of suicide. That was their response, not to take it off the market. Suicide isn’t because people are already depressed it is because these drugs induce akathesia which is so violently disturbing it makes a happy person want to immediately kill themselves. This is due to way these drugs intensely deplete dopamine in some individuals. With in a couple of doses people are walking in front of trains and tying rope around their necks. Google any of these things and you will find the disgusting truth.

For the rare few that need that extra serotonin in their brain chemistry, yeh it may work. For some just a change in their brain chemistry will allow them to think they’re better, inducing a placebo effect.


I can’t be sure how it works nor is there any point in wasting time trying to figure that out(big pharm doesnt know how ssris work, if it works that’s all that matters,isn’t it?) but what I do know is that whenever I take supplements that work on gaba receptors my cognitive issues seem to improve. Whether that is with Benzos , Taurine, Alcohol, the results are similar and undeniable. I would be doing myself a great disservice if I ignored the research that states low dose prozac boosts allopregnenalone which we all know is a potent gabaa modulator. Remember this topic is low dose prozac, nothing more, try to respect that please.

I take it at 20mg daily.

@betweenjobs why don’t you go and get a prescription for Prozac liquid form and try it then? You can just tell the doctor you want to start at a super low dose and work up to the normal or something.

I have pfs like symptoms from a ssri sertraline. Dont take it

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Way ahead of you. I have the liquid form at home, I’ve had it for 3 weeks now and have been waiting for a weekend where I havent had to work to start.
And when I do I will update this thread with how I’m feeling. I was hoping for some solid info from someone here who has try it themselves so I would know more or else what to expect. Since I havent got that yet , I feel as though Im still at square one with all of that. The jury is still out on whether or not this could improve cognitive impairments.

I know people have tried it and posted their experiences I’ll try and find the thread later but if you search low dose fluoxetine or low dose Prozac it will be one of those. As far as I remember it didn’t work in the long term for them

I’m sorry to hear. However I dont think you have pfs like symptoms from sertraline, you have pssd like symptoms from sertraline. Our situations and reasons for taking ssris couldn’t be more different.
What dose and length of time did you use Sertraline for?

One dose was just what i took. I cant be more unlucky.
Tinnitus insomnia numbness, etc etc

I’ve read through them , there’s not much that is useful.

Nine days only on ssri and i’m totally a mess just read trough my profile presentation thread how many symptoms i’ve got and still have… seriously a thread like this shouldn’t even exist… oh and yes ssri are as much antiandrogenics as much finasteride so is incredibly stupid to hope that a “low dose” could possibly help.


Thank you for sharing. Did you start taking it to treat your pfs? Does it help with anything in particular?

Sorry to hear about your health. I also took minoxidil experienced side effects after a short while had to stop, rogaine on the frontal area of my head experienced side effects, antifungal shampoo same effects after that I was pretty messed up, some sides did get better others persisted. It wasnt til two short stints on finasteride did i know something serious had happened. My mom took finasteride and I can recognize her cognitive pfs, tells me I was predisposed for something bad to happen. I also took accutane in my teens stunted my growth I didnt grow past grade 9. Since then I ve been dealing with my degrading health and know all too well what it’s like to be sick. 12 years and counting if I count from when i took accutane it’s been 22 years. In the past few years I’ve tried both welbutrin and mirtazapine at full doses and decided to discontinue. I didnt get any worse from taking them. I’ve done the research so maybe instead of calling this thread stupid, try and think that you’re not the only person who is suffering and has reached desperation. I also understand you haven’t taken low dose prozac in your life to treat pfs and therefore have nothing to contribute on the topic.

I’m very sorry and saddened to know about your condition,it’s not my intention to screw anyone or make feel someone stupid (no ones is) but ssri are not the solution in my opinion and can possible make things a lot worse as we have seen often.

And this because SSRI raises allopregnanolone by inhibiting an enzyme called 3α‐HSD or
α‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (a step before 5 alpha reductase) so the antiandrogenics property of ssri are well proven.

Repeat sadly low dose ssri are not the solution…

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I dont know why this thread, ssris blunt libido delays eyaculation and give you anorgasmia same as finasteride

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Honestly it’s probably different for everyone, I take a mild dose without issues, I have taken accutane and finestride also.

I use it as an anti-inflammatory, it is supposed to slow the breakdown of retinoic acid. Been on it for about 2 months, so far no issues.

And do you have any lasting side effects from accutane or finasteride?

@betweenjobs did you ever start the low dose Prozac?

Ya I did. It was a very short attempt at a treatment. I started it just over 2.5 months ago. I lasted six days on an ultra low dose of 2.5mg a day.
My experience mixed.
On one hand my digestive issues which are
Ibs , diarrhea, itchy bum, food sensitivities , irregular bowel movements, cleared up in a few days which was amazing. I think to this day I’ve been able to keep some of those gains. Not all of them though.
While taking the prozac i was definitely on track to start getting better sleep , feeling of well being was a bit better, and i felt less anxious the first couple days.
The bad side effects that started and got stronger and stronger each day to the point I had to stop were extreme lethargy, I was so lazy and weak I didnt want to move. It made me really badly slurr my words, I felt like I was drooling, i couldn’t even put a sentence together. It made me feel really uncomfortable in public I shouldn’t have been out in public I was impaired Basically handicapped, pretty much a puddle. I cant miss work and I deal with a lot of people making safety sensitive decisions along the way. I was putting myself and others at risk so I had to quit immediately. And that was all on a tenth of a therapeutic dose.
My hair went into telogen effluvium stage started falling out , gained 15 pounds in 5 days. Lost all libido and couldn’t reach climax.
So , a bad experience. Then because it has such a long half life I dealt with that for about six weeks everyday getting closer to pfs levels and but still waves of these horrible sides. I was actually looking forward to getting back to pfs, also mild hallucinations and butterflies and euphoria, probably a pinch of serotonin syndrome , it was horrible for me. My libido and erectile function came back , weight back down. But there is still lingering cortisol issues for sure. My sleep was worse but is getting better again.
Would I try it again if I had time off work, maybe but never again while at work. No thank you. I feel almost like my baseline got a bit better though. My digestive issues have had long lasting effects. I would maybe try something that has a much shorter half life.
I took a risk by taking but I didnt retain any long term issues from it. did it boost Allopregnanolone, not sure.