Low dose of estrogen: potential treatment or crazy idea?

I found some articles published in 2007 about the (future) development of a libido pill for both men an women that would possibly be produced in 10 years time.

I decided to e-mail the professor who was in charge of that development and ask him about the progress of the research. I didn’t really expect much of it but surprisingly, I received a short reply in which he told me that the development was not taken further, but that he was still keen on doing so.

More importantly, he also wrote this: “In the meantime, may I suggest that you ask your physician to consider trying a low dose of estrogen as in the female patch. Estrogen is the mediator of testosterone actions on libido in men.”

Although this idea seems counterintuitive, i’m intrigued by it because it comes from a highly qualified professor/researcher who has published more than 300 articles and 20 patents.

Any educated views on his suggestion are welcome.

No it doesnt help.