Low dose of Cialis - your experiences

I have a prescription for 5 mg of Cialis (daily) and I’m thinking of getting it (just need to get passed the embarassment of actually facing the pharmacist).

I would like to know what your experiences are with daily Cialis? I am even thinink of cutting the pill in 4, and taking it every other day. Maybe that will be too little? But since some people have already mentionned that it ultimately made their symptoms worst, I want to go easy with it.

To people that took very small doses, were the results noticeable / sustainable ?

Try it out and let us know your results. For me I have to take large doses for V and C to get an effect.

You’re better off taking a higher dose 1-2 a week or you’ll gain a tolerance very quickly

Ouch … doesn’t sound too reassuring. I have ordered today and will be getting it in 5-6 days. I’ll see what I do with it.

Hi there,

It is important to always take any prescription medication exactly as your doctor has told you to. You should not make any alterations to the dose without their consent. I would suggest that you take the Cialis daily as directed by your doctor and see what results you get. If you think that a change is needed, then you should go back and speak to your doctor. The lowest daily dose of Cialis is 2.5mg therefore cutting a 5mg tablet up into 4 pieces is not going to give you sufficient supply of the drug.

Also, there’s no need to worry about taking your prescription to your pharmacist, ED drugs are quite commonplace nowadays and there’s no need to be embarrassed. Otherwise, there are online pharmacy options that can help if you are really struggling with the discretion side of things.

Thanks Mike.

Still couldn’t find the strengh to go to the pharmacy. I actually went a couple of times, but it’s always a 20 year old pretty looking girl behind the counter, so I turned away.

I tried ordering online, but my credit card didn’t go through … I even think I got screwed over.

I haven’t found any legitimate online pharmacy in Canada that can provide this service yet. Any ideas?

I did this years ago when my symptoms were at their absolute worst. I would take 5mg like every few days… I could feel the effects really going away by day 3 and I wanted to make my prescription last (this was when I was in the state of… “Well, I might as well do some masturbating before I kill myself.”) It does help with erections, but you’ll see… its in a weird way. I sometimes wonder if I did myself a big favor by taking it for a short time when I hadn’t been off propecia for that long. Like I might have saved my penis a little bit? But I’m not sure.

Ok, so no regrets? Why did you stop?

No regrets. I stopped because after a while I was just kinda like “meh I don’t need it.” I also had a free coupon for one prescription and no health insurance, plus (as you’ve been experiencing) it is embarrassing to fill. I still don’t know if it really did anything. Like I said, sometimes I think it might have restored some stuff with the penis but based on my improvements elsewhere, it was likely just time.

Good for you ! Thanks for the feedback. Very appreciated.

So, 2 months after getting my prescription, I finally got the balls to go in and get my pills. It took me at least 5 times of getting in and out of the pharmacy (over several days). Everytime there was a nice looking girl at the counter, I would pick any crap on the store, pay and walk out.

But I got my act together and finally went through it … They are 5 mg pills, that I am thinking of cutting in two (maybe even in 4), and taking just every other day. Just to see if it does anything. My erections are probably around 60-70%, and I do get nocturnals. So I’m not coming from 0%. I just need that little extra to fight anxiety, and make sure it doesn’t go away when I need it. So I’m thinking I might as well start with a very low dose, and increase over time if needed.

I’ll be starting in a few days from now.

I started cialis, but really slowly ! I cut my 5mg pills in 4, and too 1.25 mg a day for the last 4 days. I have to admit it seemed to make a difference. I got a few spontaneous erections (one just walking downtown!), which had not happened in years. My nocturnal erections also seem stronger. I will increase the dose to 5 mg per day if I’m ever close to having sex, and I’m fairly confident (although scarred to death) that I will be able to perform. Anxiety has gotten really bad for me and I fear like crazy the first time I will “have to” sleep with a girl.

What a way to live …

Took 5 mg daily for the past 3 months. Developed a tolerance after 1-2 weeks.
I’d like to quit and try taking 10 mg weekly.

Does anybody know how much time should I wait in order for the daily-use tolerance to fade before I start 10 mg weekly?

Hard to say…! As long as you can, I guess. You might want to start training (cardio and weights) if you don’t already do so.

I got off cialis very quickly and didn’t get tolerance. I use it as need be although it doesn’t have a very strong effect. It helps a little.

Good luck.