Hi all been on TRT for almost a year now since my crash… I have found working thru different dosages of ed meds… That I can take a 2.5 mg daily Cialis and put it in a pillsplitter and when its split I will have two 1 mgs of the 2.5 that I split… I can take a 1 mg three days a week and have sex everyday if I desire I am just wondering if anyone else on this board that claim to have PFS can do this…I can have sex prolly 3 days a week with no Cialis in my system and the sex is ok… I am just wondering if anyone has reached a point in there recovery where they can do this… ANY COMMENTS WOULD BE APPRECIATED… Remember everyone has the same thing in mind here… To help each other and recover

This is the easiest way to have regular sex with pfs. I used to do what you do, sort of, my dose was higher. I am at a point now where i can take 5mg of cialis once a week and have sex everyday.

How can you live normally and charm some girls with brain fog? No offense just wants some tips.

Man this good to know and how long have u been since u have crashed??? How many years… Its very encouraging that the longer u go without taking meds means that ure body is getting better as far as time goes… Either way I can have sex now 3 days a week without any meds in system but its only doggiestyle… I do get aroused and turned on pretty easily… and then on the other hand I can take 1 mg 3 days a week and be able to do it everyday and do all positions… there was no way in hell I could do this a year ago off meds… :stuck_out_tongue: …So either way I am glad that TRT is healing me and soon this will be a thing of the past… How many years have u been in recovery now?? And have u ever tried TRT… one good thing is if it had to come down to relying on ed meds every once in a while they never lose potency

Wasn’t aware that this was braingfog…lol it aint easy u just got to keep trying things and if there working mark down ure progress… I am only 10 months off propecia right now and im apparently getting better… another 12 months this will all be a thing of the past for me… I believe I am getting better quick because of TRT… just my opinion though…im just happy im able to post a thread like this, I will keep praying for all of us that are suffering with this whether it be mild or severe…

That was for tim1911 , sorry for to not quate my mistake.

ok no problem brother… So based on what im telling u and the way I am responding to TRT do u think I am in a good spot?? Meaning that im able to have with and without low dose meds??? Just want ure opinion brother??

Im really good looking :slight_smile: Na honestly, just show a bit of interest in them and let it progress from there,
remember brain fog or not you are never going to get these days back.

Hey many years have u been recovering now?? And has it gotten better over time with u???

How much higher was ure dose ??

Hi all i am 1 year off finasteride… I just want to say it does get better with time… ihave been on TRT for 10 months…First it was topical and now im on injections… I can honestly have sex now every other day without ed meds… I have high libido so i jack off a lot… When i don’t jack off i can do it every day… Im finally getting to a point where i don’t have 4to eat ed meds… No more weak erections on topical test and no more losing erections… GOD IS GOOD… I am just glad i respond to TRT…any questions …shoot

Praying to heal, it’s no secret, you are on a low dose of test, plus hcg every day (or every other day) to induce 5ar enzymes to reduce the test to dht, plus you are on progesterone to control the estrogen. When you were on large doses of test you did not respond, if everyone here was on a similar protocol they would respond. You are lucky you got a good doctor, I have kept your protocol saved for future reference, however, proviron has given me life back.

That’s awesome man… i am glad u are doing well to… thing is that when i was 8 weeks post fin… i had low t and it was 383… lh and fsh were 2.5… its secondary… i didn’t wait around for anything to get worse… period… i jumped on trt… so at the very worst i can continue this protocol for the rest of my life and be able to do what i am doing now…as i get older i can eat 1mg daily Cialis 3 tims a week and they never lose potency… I am hoping i wont ever need Cialis from this point on… if i do i think it will be in 10 -15 years from now… so like i said its working and for those of u that were diagnosed with low t… if u read this and u are waiting around for a miracle… this is the miracle… No more dissapointments fellas… like Just Quit Dut said get ure life back

Praying to heal, I tried your protocol, it was effective, but I have devised one that has given me 100% recovery. Replace the progesterone with dht (proviron), take the 25mg pills 1 to 2 a day and in a week you will feel better. If you feel you need more take another every hour till you feel 100% and then stop. Your protocol currently is good, but regulating estrogen with dht is the treatment for PFS. It can be confusing as you need to give it a week to build up and your body will start regulating your system with it. You won’t need anything else but proviron and testosterone and of course your hcg. I’m soon to have a once a week protocol with masterdon enanthate which is a long acting dht injection. I am going to find the correct dose now that I know this therapy works. I am 100% reversed and so is another PFS sufferer I have been working with. The proviron will not work unless your testosterone levels are good (which they are from injections). You will be able to handle as much testosterone as you want like pre PFS, all you will need is more proviron to process it. I’ll be posting a protocol with the injectable form soon.

Progesterone does not control estrogen, it only counters the ‘effects’ of estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors will reduce estrogen levels. See my long, detailed post on page 19 of JustQuitDut’s recovery blog. http://www.propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9299&start=360

Link regarding Estrogen and Progesterone.

I also use Progesterone, 1 week on, 4 days off. But I use Anastrazole to keep estrogen in check due to TRT. And Proviron is just one of a few options to increase DHT. I use low dose Andractim.

Remember its progesterone/chrysin…mixed in one as a topical for an ai

I have been off fin for 4 and a half years now, things aren’t getting better on their own.
I have taken up to 20mg but found the 5 works just as well.
The sad thing is my girlfriend started taking accutane a few months back, even after all the internet testimonials and my experience, she has basically become asexual.