Low cortisol, low blood pressure, low thyroid function, low energy

hi all. so i’ve noticed that i had low thyroid, low cortisol along with low metabolism low blood pressure etc, also have insane fatigue. i’ve been reading a bit but im not the best at understanding all the hormone stuff and i was wondering if anyone knows if it would be better to that the low cortisol issue ( with Pregnenolone or cortef) first or first the low thyroid issue (im planning on trying t3 since t4 has no effect) i believe the low cortisol issue is related to the low thyroid issue… i’m female btw with pssd

you need to treat your cortisol before taking any T3 . as cortisol transports the t3 into the the cell without it you become hypothyroid. get a 24 hour saliva test if cortisol is low start hydrocortisone up to 25mg a day.

This dose will not shut your adrenals down and should give you much better energy .but will take some time to feel full effects . Take temperture daily when i started hydrocortisone my temp went from 36.4c to 37c within a month so it seems lack of cortisol was not allowing thyroid to work properly. i am now looking into t3 therapy to clear reverse t3 as i had a blood test a year ago were it was over range.

I will likely run the hydrocortisone for 6 months - year then taper off if reverse t3 clears and temps stay were they are

taking any anything over 25mcg of t3 with low cortisol will make you feel terrible so best to treat adrenals first wait a month or 2 see if your thyroid picks up if it does not try some t3

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Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! may I ask, do you take hydrocortisone pills or cream? I haven’t found over the counter pills (I don’t know how to get them prescribed) I only found only cream but I’m afraid of hurting my skin with the cream

i take pills around between 20-25mg a day

Oral corticosteroids are really nasty stuff, especially taken long term.

Do this only under a doctor’s supervision please.

thanks for the information, by any change do you know if pregnenolon is safer?

There isn’t much scientific data on it so I couldn’t say.

Seems to be safe enough in the short term atleast.