loss of sensation in foot

hi all

some of you might’ve noticed i haven’t posted in awhile. stupidly thought I was cured, crashed for the second time around a week ago. fucking brain fog and the rest of the shit gang are back in full force.

however, earlier tonight I developed a new symptom: a numb left foot. the top part of my left foot has become almost completely numb. of course this is extremely worrying as it falls in line with the demylineation/multiple sclerosis theory that has become somewhat popular around these parts. all the symptoms line up, also a bunch of others that I hadn’t even considered (sporadic blurry vision in top left part of left eye immediately after crash, recent digestion issues etc)

anyway, it’s friday night here now and I was planning on booking a doctor’s appt for monday if the numbness hadn’t subsided. in the meantime though I was wondering if anyone else here has had this problem? couldn’t find anything in the search

after finasteride I never actually had those days when you wake up and when you touch your feet on the ground and feel like the floor is super cold, or after a long day wearing shoes and then you take them off and get that cooling sensation…something with nerves for sure

This is called parasthesia. I had various forms of it earlier this summer, including tingling, burning, pins & needles and numbness (of my left foot). I still get forms of it, but to a lesser degree. I also worried about MS, after reading that theory on this site. I ended up having an MRI of the brain and upper spine, which came back clean.

I would give it a few weeks if you can, but I understand how annoying and concerning it can be.

yeah about the only thing keeping me sane is that no one else has been diagnosed with it here. on the other hand I think getting a diagnosis could be a good thing because at least then i could be treated/not stared at like a madman by docs

not sure if it’s parathesia, maybe a form of it. thing is, my foot hasn’t changed at all since the numbness first started, and it only affects part of my foot. like the top side and the middle toe. ball/side of foot is completely fine. no tingling, burning or pins and needles etc. just constant numbness. also my right foot is completely fine. definitely neurological.

thanks for the tips and yeah i’m going to try and wait it out as long as possible. not sure i want to go to another new doc and try to explain the whole situation again…