After years of hoping I would never have to take this drug, I finally gave in. Backstory: I am a healthy 36 year old man living in New York. No history of depression or (any serious) anxiety and have never taken an anti-depressant or anxiety med in my life. After years of extensive on and off research and reading up on Finasteride, I knew the risks of this medication and never ever liked the idea of taking hormone altering drugs long term. There is no doubt in my mind that there is serious substance to all the persistent/permanent side effect horror stories that are literally all over the internet just like there were for drugs like Vioxx and Accutane. That being said, I knew the risks were extremely small, and I’m the last type of guy on Earth that can pull off the bald look.
That brings us to this past Tuesday and this past Friday. I finally gave Fin a try, and though very comfortable at the time, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had some significant underlying fears over putting it into my body. That being said, I went on with my day and tried not to think about it. I kid you not, on both occasions of taking it, no more than a half an hour later I began feeling lightheaded, dizzy, fatigued, and downright “off” in general. It should be known that I’m talking dizzy as in I felt legit off balance when cleaning my kitchen at one point, and had my head droop over several times when on the computer. The fatigued factor was also huge. I just felt like a complete and utter zombie at times, and while sure this can happen to anyone on an off day of bad sleep or something along those lines, something felt quite different here I can assure you.
These effects lasted WELL into the following days before they subsided, however today, Sunday, some TWO days after my last dose, I am dead serious when I tell you that I am STILL having lingering effects (i.e. still feel a off/zombie like/dizzy). I contacted my doctor via email, and he tells me he feels these side effects are “psychological” due to my underlying fears of the medication, and that finasteride “Doesnt work that way”, in the sense that I guess sides wouldn’t show up this quickly. I told him doc, I can bet you my LIFE these were real deal sides. Now, perhaps they were psychosomatic, but at the end of the day dizzyness and lightheadedness are in fact sides written on the label.
For now I have stopped the medication and have decided it is simply not worth it to try it again. I’m curious if anyone here can put me at ease and let me know if the drug can in fact give someone sides instantly like I had, or if perhaps these were possibly psychosomatic after all. Either way, again I have made the decision to just stay away after this unnerving experience.