Looking for input re: Cialis Daily

Hi guys,

just want some input from you guys on the above drug.

Basically, when I took part in the study in Baylor last month, Dr Khera there recommended I start using cialis daily and that he recommends it to all his PFS patients.

He stated following my questioning that this is not a drug for which a tolerance is built when taken at this dose, and that should people observe a reduction in strength it is due to a lessening in general erection quality rather than the drug being less effective.

Im against pharamceuticals in my case, having tried most things shy of TRT and having them made the situation worse rather than better, but I have used PDE-5 inhibitors with success so thought ‘what the hell.’

So I started taking it around 11 days ago, and i has given me far more regular nocturnal wood and helped with sexual function (though not as much as a larger one off dose, which I would occasionally use previously).

One thing however has really unnerved me… I have found that I am urinating a lot more frequently, and I now understand that cialis daily can be used as a treatment for BPH also… as you are aware by me being here, my last time taking something that treats BPH didnt go so well!!! (FYI I took it for around 7 years with no sides at all then it suddenly came on in 2012 - i am now purely suffering from erectile/libido issues, and some light sensitivity). I think back to my days on fin and I was peeing stupidly excessively, so I find this a little unnerving that the frequency of urination is increasing… I don’t want to be doing any damage.

Does anyone have any input regarding this? Any general feedback regarding cialis daily is also appreciated.

Cheers guys.

Wasting your time and money taking it every day, you will very soon develop a tolerance and get zero benifits from it.
Only take every 4-5 days, mix it up with some Viagra and levetra. Doing this should allow you to have sex every day if need be.

Agree with Tim. I have not personally tried 5mg ED Cialis, but I need to rotate C, V, and L. Even then, I still notice that they tend to lose efficiency over time.

Thanks for the input guys, I know everyone is different but do you have any idea how long it would TYPICALLY take to develop a tolerance to the cialis?

Also, has anyone got any idea how this stuff acts in relation to BPH? my increased frequency of pissing has unnerved me and I’m just curious as to how this works, say in relation to fin.

Cheers for the input

Not long, days to gain tolerance.

Bhp, don’t know

I have not develop a tolerance to Cialis.
20 mg a week for 2 years.

Yeah this is another case of something that may work for some but not others. I’m inclined to trust one of the doctors doing the PFS study, but they unfortunately all lack experience and time to know which therapies are most benefitting their patients.

Because you take it once a week.
He asked about cialis daily, 20mg once a week will be fine.

Thanks guys.

It seems really strange, I have been taking it for about a week now, and my it is not helping me as much as it was initially for sex at all, but I am still getting raging nocturnal erections from it and the occasional spontaneous erection through the day too, which is a real rarity.

Not sure if it is due to the tolerance already (although I’d have thought that would result in much worse nocturnals too?) or if it’s just a case of my usual libido fluctuations (it goes from low, to non existent and back regularly).