Long-Term Testosterone Gel (AndroGel) Treatment Maintains Beneficial Effects on Sexual Function

Long-Term Testosterone Gel (AndroGel) Treatment Maintains Beneficial Effects on Sexual Function and Mood, Lean and Fat Mass, and Bone Mineral Density in Hypogonadal Men

FULL TEXT: jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/89/5/2085

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I believe it.

ANd is there anything about after quitting as well.

it’s no surprise that TRT (testim gel, injections, etc) will address low T.

however,how do u explain those that were on TRT that showed zero improvment over weeks and months?

Jack, are you referring to the above study or anecdotal reports of ex-Fin users feeling no different after being on TRT?

Mew, I couldn’t read the whole thing in detail, so I have a question. If all these men were to stop using the Androgel (TRT) then would their levels all fall again, or in some cases could their bodies then stay normalized?

Another question for any of you who have a brother who is close to your age: Have any of you ever thought of trying to get your brother to get all blood levels drawn just to try to see maybe more accurately where your own levels should be??
I think I want to now. I’ve tried before, but my brother never did, but now I may be more urgent about him trying.

I don’t know if you’re still on TRT but you might want to look into PCT if you’re going to come off.

Boston I believe since TRT surpresses normal endogeneous T production, when you come off you will end up with VERY low LH & T levels until your body can re-establish its own production… if it does (I’m not sure about this aspect, if everyone would automatically go back to producing same amount of T prior to long-term surpression).

Hence why, as Big Softie pointed out, many bodybuilders do PCT after coming off roids (which is basically a form of TRT) to jumpstart their own production so they don’t crash after coming off the juice.

I don’t see how the issues of coming off external Testosterone Replacement would be any different.

Here is another study on Testim gel (although it was sponsored by the drug company).

pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articl … id=1477565

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I want to try to apply it on the penis.