Long term prostate issues?

Like quite a few on this board, I came down with big time prostate issues. Frequent urination, dribbling, pain in testicles, and swelling that moved doen to my scrotum. These symptoms would not seem to go away, so I went on long duration antibotic use. The bad part is over, but I can tell that my prostate is still larger then it’s suppose to be because I still have to use the bathroom more then I used to. I still have dribbling, and my bladder nerver seems to be completely full before I need to go. My seems to be this way now, and will not revert back. Does anybody else have this issue? Is there anyway for me to get my prostate to shrink back down? Or is this just a part of this problem for some?

Have a urologist check your prostate. Wondering why it would be enlarged if Fin reduces size of prostate.

Im not sure you can definatively link testicular pain with enlarged prostate.

I am suffering from various sexual side effects due to Finasterid. When I took Finasterid I had testicular pain. However, I had frequent urination even before taking Finasterid. I have seen different urologists. How do you know that your prostate is enlarged? Which antibiotic do you take. I also have dribbling since Finasterid.

I know its enlarged because of the urge I get to urinate when my bladder is not full. When your prostate is enlarged is pushes down on your urethra and thus giving you the urge to urinate. Also, when I ejaculate, I could feel pressure as my semen was coming out…also telling me that my urethra is being compressed by my prostate. I took Cipro.

How long did you take cipro? I took bactrim for 3-weeks, during which I no longer had pain, but still had urinary problems - increased frequency, and not voiding completely. When I stopped, pain came back. My uro said to give it time. I am hoping to try an anti-inflamatory along with antibiotic to see if this may work… if indeed I have non-bacterial prostatitis. The doctors I have seen seem to refuse to collect prostatic fluid, and just do urinalyses to try and find bacteria. Other techniques include injecting the antibiotic directly into the prostate tissue (as I have read).

Disagree here. Your prostate doesn’t have to be large for these consequences. It could be weak muscles in your bladder (it should be elastic) or around or in the prostate. If the muscles sag they can push down on the nerve. Same for ejaculation. You need the finger up the ass to determine if it’s enlarged. Otherwise assuming no is probably correct because of fin’s actions.